"Thanks for helping out Clark, I owe you one."

"Don't mention it, when you sent me that video clip, all I wanted to do was save him. Besides, it's my job."

"Well, I'm sure he appreciates it. I would stay and take care of that guy myself, but I need to get Richard to the hospital."

"I'll handle it."

"I have no doubt you will. What he did...I don't promote murder...but Slade deserves it. I have never seen Dick so...broken. Not even when his parents died. Just take care of him so Dick doesn't have to worry about it anymore."

"I think a trip to The Hall of Justice should do it, everyone in the league will want to pummel the guy."

"Then make it happen." The man got in the car but spoke through the window, "When you get a chance, you should come and visit him. He probably misses you...and his friends will be ecstatic to meet the man of steel."

"Sounds good, take care Bruce."

The window rolled up.

"Step on it Al, we need to get him to the hospital ASAP."

"Yes master Bruce."

Soon the car was speeding away. Far away from that place. Robin relaxed, for the first time in two weeks, he fell asleep without the help of drugs.

Back at the tower, Starfire and Beast Boy were in the kitchen, Beast Boy trying to cook something Star would eat, and Star sitting at the island with her head in her arms. Raven was staring at the TV, unable to focus on reading, and Cyborg flipped through the channels. Not finding anything interesting. It was late, somewhere in the middle of the night, but after last night’s events with Robin they still found themselves unable to sleep and wide wake with worry. Soon enough, the doorbell rang.

"I shall get it." Star rose to her feet. She used the thought of it being Robin to make her happy enough to fly and get down there faster.

She opened the door to a man in a black cowl.

"Is your team awake?" He asked.

"Yes! Did you find him?" She practically hovered.

He offered the smallest of smiles. "We did."

She threw her arms around him. "Oh thank X'hal! Thank you, thank you, Mr. Batman! I knew I could count on you!" Then when she realized what she had done, she set him down and let go. "Forgive me, sometimes my excitement gets the better of me."

He patted her head. "I understand. It's alright."

"Where is he?"

"I took him to the hospital, my butler is watching him."

"Please come in! I will tell the others to make with the haste!" She let him in and zoomed upstairs.

She practically broke the door down. "Friends! The knight of darkness is here! He has located our compatriot and behests us to join him in his vicinity!"

"In English?" Beast Boy sighed.

"Batman's here, he found Robin, he wants to take us to him."

"Dude! Let's go!"

"Hold on just a moment, should we bring him something?" Cyborg asked.

"Don't you think just us being there will be good for him?"

"I shall get some clothes for him from his room." Star offered. As soon as she left, the door swished open again to reveal Batman himself. Everyone stared in awe for a moment before Beast Boy spoke up.

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