Chapter 2: A Delightful Meeting (Not!).

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A/N: Hello people! Picture to the side is of Sophia. Enjoy the chapter. Dedicated to YELLOWHIGHLITER for her support.


Chapter 2: A Delightful Meeting (Not!).

Making sure that apart from the furniture and fittings there was nothing left in my room I gave my now lifeless room a last glance and headed downwards where currently Nanno and Rie were crying their eyes out.

"Nanno, you were the one who wanted me to leave and now you are crying" I sighed engulfing her into a hug.

"Yes, I wanted you to spend time with your parents but I am surely going to miss you dear" Nanno sobbed.

Pulling out of the hug I muttered, "Shush up guys! By crying you guys are making it more difficult for me than it already is".

"But Phia I am going to miss you" Rie wined pulling me into a hug and her fresh hot drop of tear fell on my shoulder.

Seeing these two crying I couldn't keep a leash on my emotions and soon streams of tears started rolling down my face. After bidding last good byes I stepped out of the house and started walking towards my car. After a long heated argument I managed to persuade Nanno to let me drive to Calesca myself.

"Keep in touch Phia!" Rie shouted from the door.

"Drive safely dear" Nanno advised.

Giving both of them a nod I sat in the car and put the key into ignition making the engine roar to life. Driving out of the driveway I gave both of them a last wave and drove out of the street.


There was a service station nearby and I was quite exhausted after a 4 hours' continuous drive. It was a 13 hours drive from Nanno's town to Calesca, I still had a long distance to cover so I decided to take a little break. After deciding to take a rest I parked my car in the service station's parking lot and then rushed towards the toilet to empty my now full bladder.

After refreshing myself I headed towards the small restaurant to eat. As I walked inside the cabin I was greeted by a series of wolf whistle. A group of 5 boys who looked about my age were sitting in the corner with their eyes fixed on me. And let me tell you they were synonyms of hot and perfect. All of them were eyeing me from head to toe except for one who was seated in the middle, his legs lying lazily on the table and a wide smirk plastered on his face. Mr. Smirk found the blank wall of this place more interesting than me as his electric green eyes were staring the wall still smirking.

"Wanna join us babe?" one of them said.

"Y-You I mean M-Me?" being the idiot I am I stuttered, blushing hard. What? It's not like a girl like me get invitations from boys every day. And yeah not to forget hot boys like them.

"Seriously, Drake? You can do better than this" Mr. Smirk stated, pointing at me and giving Drake an eye roll with a smirk still present on his perfect face. Why am I even complementing him?

Oh great! So I was just 'this' for Mr. Smirk. Who does he think he is? You just can't go insulting people like this. Before they could make any more fun of me I gave them a murderous glare and walked away towards the counter to place my order. I ordered a cheese burger takeaway. No way I was going to eat with in this premises with a group of these dreaded boys.

While my order was being prepared I walked out of the shop to get some fresh air, mainly to avoid those creepy glances I was getting from those boys. Heading towards the parking lot, I saw a shiny bright red coloured car and sat on its bonnet. Plugging earphones in my ears I played music closed my eyes and got lost into it.

It had been a while since I was swaying my legs lightly back and forth according to the rhythm of the music. When the beat was about to drop I jostled my leg with a force and pushed them more toward the front. I completely froze when my right foot made a contact with another person's leg. And soon after I heard a boy whimper.

"What the Fuck?"

Who was he? For how long has he been here? Why does his voice sound so familiar?

I unwillingly opened my eyes and was acknowledged by the sight of angry Mr. Smirk. He grabbed my arm and yanked me down the car.

"Who do think you are Mr. Smirk? You just can't pull people like this!" I yelled.

As soon as those words left my mouth Mr. Smirk fell into fits of laughter. And that's when I realize that I said my nickname for him out loud.

"Mr. Smirk, really?" he managed to say in between his uncontrollable laughter.

I got a little uncomfortable at this situation. Seeing my uneasiness Mr. Smirk got a control over himself and continued his sentence.

"And by the way I had every right to pull you down because no one sits on my baby like that"

And this time I was the one who started to laugh like a maniac. When I looked into his eyes still laughing I saw an unreadable emotion.

"Seriously, baby?" I said, straightening myself up.

"Any problem? And this Mr. Smirk is known to the world by 'Ad' " Ad said smirking widely.

I opened my mouth to reply but was cut by Ad.

"Now if you are done talking to me, move aside cause unlike you I am busy and have places to go" Ad stated, still smirking.

"Geeze! As if I was dying to talk to you and sit on your damn 'baby'! I'll take an immediate shower after reaching Calesca. What if you also sat on the same spot as me on the car" I scowled.

" Tch tch . Poor Calesca! Believe me our town is better off without you" Ad grimaced.

"No way! You live in Calesca too?" I frowned.

"Sadly....yes. Now excuse me!" Ad said jerking me to a side while walking towards the door of his car. I stood frozen in spot because of his rude exit. On the other hand Ad was already in his car smirking at me. He gave me small wave before pulling his car out of the driveway. I shook my head coming back to reality and walked back inside the building to take my food.


Sooooo did you guys enjoy this chapter? I guess it was better from the previous one, NO? Let me know through your comments. Next update is going to be soon ;)

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