Chapter 1 - Library

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It's been a couple days since we "defeated" Darkstalker, but still... this anxious feeling remained. I spent most of my free time visiting Peacemaker and helping Foeslayer take after him. He was a very bright child, always asking questions and touching anything he could get his hands on. It was adorable, but I would also check for any remaining memories of Darkstalker... just to be safe! Of course, Foeslayer always knew when I was worrying to much, she would tell me to relax and calm down, or offer me and Peacemaker a strawberry. She told me that Darkstalker was gone, and that she had a new start with Peacemaker. But she wasn't sad about this, instead this pushed her to do better, she was definitely a good person... I could tell.

"You should take him out, have him explore a little more... perhaps you can take him to the library?" Foeslayer offered me a suggestion to take him to the library - which was a great idea to me, I could bring Qibli and Kinkajou and maybe even Winter! ...Nevermind, that was unlikely, after Winter heard about me and Qibli, he said he needed time to heal, and I felt like I owed that to him.

"Yeah! That sounds great! I'll bring Qibli along with me, he's great with children." Foeslayer smirked in response, as if wanting to say something. "Fine by me." I nudged Peacemaker to follow me and headed towards where Qibli and Kinkajou were staying - he was still in the rainforest right now, visiting Kinkajou.

"Moony (a nickname Peacemaker made for me) where are we going?"

"It's a surprise!" I replied, flashing him a grin.

"Ohhh I LOVE surprises!" He grinned back.


I gently knocked on the door, waiting for a response. "Oh My GOD! Moon!! I missed you so much!! Me and Qibli were just playing a board game, you can join us if you want! Oh, is that Peacemaker!?" Kinkajou dropped to her knees and started to cuddle Peacemaker, baby talking him all the way..

"I-I missed.. you too Auntie Kinkajou... can't.. breathe..." Kinkajou released him and me and Qibli had to suppress a laugh.

"Well, feel free to come in!" Qibli welcomed us in. When we entered a sweet smell filled the room, "Whats that smell? It smells sweet!" Peacemaker turned to the ceiling and sniffed the air. "Oh ya, me and Kinkajou were also making lunchtime desert!"

"Lunchtime desert?" I raised an eyebrow. "Ya! Haven't you've heard of it? It's delicious!" Qibli said and gave me a toothy smile.

"YAY! LUNCHTIME DESERT! Can I have some!? Please!? Please!!! Please Auntie Moony and Auntie Kinkajou?"

"Well you left me no choice now..." I sighed, but I was secretly smiling.

"Strawberry Shortcake! You're gonna LOVE it!" Kinkajou gave us all a slice.

"STRAWBERRY Shortcake!?!?!?!?!?" Peacemaker's mouth watered at the thought. "I love this surprise!" I sighed, "This isn't even the surprise though...."

"Really!? Then what is it!!?"

"Ahem, well I came here to ask if you guys wanted to come with me and Peacemaker to the Library, we're gonna have Peacemaker pick out some new books!"

Peacemaker muttered under his breath. "I like Strawberry Shortcake better..."

"Hey! Books are extremely important! Trust me you'll see, you're gonna love it there, just you wait!" I had a new mission in mind, I will get Peacemaker to love books! Peacemaker giggled and gave me an 'mkay' look.

Kinkajou muttered "Sassssyyy" "Hey! I'm not sassy!" Peacemaker was offended by this comment. Kinkajou replied with the same 'mkay' look and Peacemaker pouted the rest of the time. Qibli was dying throughout this. "Ya sure, we'll go with you to the library" He said.


Authors Note: Hey guys! So after reading my Moonbli story, I decided that it was kinda out-dated and that I could make a better one. Sooo here I am! Back at it again! I hope you guys liked this one, although I'm having trouble making my chapter long, so if you have any suggestions that would be great. Anyway hope ya enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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