The lost sea

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I used to love the ocean. My first memory of my youngest childhood, was playing at the beach with my mom. She took me there everytime, when she wasn't working. We lived in a small house at the beach. When I looked through the window I saw white sand, which glew in the sun. I saw a few shells laying on the ground, soaked with the salty water of the sea. It felt always special going swimming, or searching for these beautiful shells in the sand. Sometimes when I couldn't fall asleep she brought me there to show me the stars. I can only remember the good memorys of this part of my life. I first recognized the change when we moved away.

I was young, I was a child. Of course I couldn't understand why we had to go. I couldn't understand why I hadn't the chance to be a part of this desicion. While my parents put the last boxes into the car I went to the sea for the last time. I sat there, my feet wet of the water. The sunbeams glew on the surface of the water, and I thought back at the nights, sitting here with my mom and looking at the stars. Suddendly I had to think about how I dreamed being an adult discovering the sea up to the ground. I sat there. Thinking. Until my parents picked me up.

With this new chapter of my life, I started seeing the little growing changes in my enviroment. It weren't only things in school, like seeing other kids throwing the half-full plastic bottle on the ground even though they stood next to the trashcan. At our classtrip to Florida, at the seacare center I saw breathtaking pictures of animals thinking a cotton swab is food. The beaches there, full of travelers and tourists were discusting. There wasn't even one spot left, which wasn't covered with rubbish.

One day, at our vacation, my dad decided to visit our old house with the beautiful view at the beach with his white sand, and the red shells. I was excited seeing the place of my childhood again. When we got there I was shocked. It wasn't my cute tiny beach anymore. Everywhere were tourists, with their colorful beach towels and their coolers. It was definitely colorful, but not only because of the many people. Everywhere was plastic. One corner was full of bottles, the other of packages of crisps, cans and other things. I was littlery able to see a shoe on the seabed. Our small house wasn't there either. Instead a hotel. A big hotel. It looked five times taller than our old beloved home. The containers flooded over with garbage. I wasn't able to stay there. It hurt to see it in that state. It hurt to much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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