Advent Event - "It's Christmas morning!" - with Chris Argent

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"Grandpa?" You had sneaked out of your bed and had walked on tiptoe past your parent's bedroom. You would never be allowed to go downstairs already and look at your presents, but you knew that if you'd ask grandpa Chris, you might have a chance on getting what you want. You had opened the door to his room and was whispering to see if he was awake. He didn't react. You walked inside and closed the door behind you. "Grandpa?", you asked a bit louder and this time you actually got a groan as a reaction. You jumped on the bed. "Grandpa! It's Christmas! It's time for presents!"

The bump under the cover moved, and suddenly a hand shot out that grabbed you and pulled you under the cover. "What time is it?", he asked with a sleepy voice.

You snuggled against your grandfather, enjoying the warmth, even when your thoughts still were at the presents downstairs. You shrugged. "I don't know. I'm awake, so it's morning. Christmas morning, grandpa!"

That did made him smile, but he reached for his phone to check the time. That did wipe the smile off your face. Now he was going to tell you it was too early, to go back to your own bed and that they'd go down for presents far, far later. But you knew you wouldn't be able to sleep anymore. "It's 5 AM, Y/N. Your mother would kill me if I would let you go down now..."

You frowned while you snuggled closer to grandpa Chris. "Mum? But..." You frowned to make all the calculations make sense. "But you're mum's dad? Doesn't she have to do what she says? I have to do what mum and dad say, so..."

Chris turned to his back and looked down at you. "Maybe this is a bit too early to tell you... but later you will have to know anyway. We as a family do things a bit different than others. You are an Argent, even when your father is a McCall. And with the Argents, the women are the boss, once they're grown up." He grinned. "You get what that means."

You smiled as well, because you had done the math. "I am a girl.", you grinned. "Does that mean..."

Chris nodded. "You will be the boss as well. But not yet...", he quickly said when he noticed you wanted to say something about the presents again. "Now it's still your mum who can tell both you and me what to do and I'm sure she wants to unwrap the presents together..."

You crossed your arms. "But that will take for ever, they're not even awake yet..." You pouted, but Chris took you in his arms.

"You know... sometimes we have to wait for things to happen and it's not fun... but do you want to wait here? Together with me in bed? I can tell you a story..."

You looked up at your grandfather who was your big hero. You loved the stories he told. Sometimes they were scary, but you knew he would always be there to protect you, even when your mum and dad would not be there. You nodded. "Will you tell me one of the scary stories again?"

He pulled up the cover over the both of you, making sure you were comfortable and warm besides him. "I think I know a better story for now. How about that time that your mum tried to open her presents early?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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