New Classmate

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A voice calling Vanilla's name from far away.

-Wait.... that voice... it is you??

-I hope you can protect my precious from danger...

The voice spoke up


Vanilla chased the voice as it's fading away.

-Please tell me! Where is Shokoro?! And who is that I need to protect!!

Vanilla started to sob and fall on the ground.

-Please don't leave me alone.... anymore... I don't want to be in the dark forever...

|End of dream|

Vanilla's POV

I gasped for air after waking up from my sleep.

-Why is her there?

Then, there was a knock on the door.

I straight up myself and opened the door after calming my pulse. I took a peek and it was Anna.

-Do you want to eat breakfast together?

She asked with a shy look.

-Sure... I'll go and get ready now.

-Oh, okay!

She put a relieved smile.

I closed the door and put my uniform after showering. Before I leave, I checked the room and I can't sense Kugutsu's presence anywhere....

-Kugutsu... Just where are you...?

-Vanilla, are you ready?

She asked behind the door.


We went to the dining hall and ate together with Natsume, Ruka, Nonoko, Iinchou and finally Hotaru.

There was an awkward yet silence atmosphere between us. The group stayed cheerful to clear the awkwardness except for Hotaru, Natsume and Ruka who were eating their breakfast silently. They talked mostly about their school works but for me, I can't stop thinking about the poison in my body. Of course, I can't blame Natsume...

-The pain from the mission late night is still lingering inside my body... Why... It should be gone by now...

I decided to forget my pain and watched the other chatting and eating.

-Maybe this isn't so bad...

I took a bite of my breakfast and was surprised by the taste.

-It's cold but something feels warm.... I just eating with others made my food melt by their warmth...

|°Time skip°|

It's been a week since I transferred here and I made friends with Anna and Nonaka. For Hotaru, our broken friendshio is slowly repairing. I have been a lot of dangerous missions with Natsume and day by day, I saw him getting weaker. Its worried me...

Not to mention, Anna told me that there's a fan club dedicated for me. I don't what food they are eating but I want to scared them, not make them fall for me. If I have a fan club of course Kugutsu would have too. Most of them are from the upper students. His charming look yet cold personality, won the students' hearts even the female teachers.

I woke up in the morning at the same time when I heard a knocking sound at the balcony. I walked toward it and saw Ruka with his rabbit as always but there's a huge eagle behind me.

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