And when I continued to give presentation he fully leaned back on his chair, with one hand on the table and other on the side of the chair and again he was successful to gain my attention. I know he was staring at me and that was enough to make me weak again. How can someone act like a college student in a conference room, where people expect professionalism from you?

I got so damn irritated by this person I wish I could have punched him on his face. Somehow I managed to calm myself again.

"Thank you! Now further will be explained by my colleague Mr Chetan." after saying this I got settled on my seat and had a glassful of water.

I was so sad about my performance. I knew it was not good as everyone expected, in fact this was the worst presentation I have ever given, maybe I was better than this during my college project presentation.

Finally the meeting got over and everyone went out of the boardroom. Whereas I was still cursing myself for the way I presented and how I got nervous because of Aarav.

I got up from my seat and collected some papers on the table, I was about to leave, when I remembered that I didn't picked my phone from the table so I went and took it and also I saw Aarav's phone there. Should I return it? No. I guess I will just inform someone. I said to myself and turned behind towards the door only to receive a sudden jerk, seeing Aarav standing behind me.

"Sorry if I scared you." He said immediately and I just gave a nod in return.

"By the way, the presentation was good." he continued.

Was it? Or is he making fun of me?

"It was actually good, I'm not joking." He replied. Why he still has to know what I was thinking?

Well I seriously don't think that the presentation was good but anyways now that he has complimented I should complete my side of formality.

"Thank you." I replied and began to leave.

He moved a step ahead towards the table probably to pick his phone, but that made him close to me and I got nervous again because of his closeness. So I decided to run from there. Hurriedly I began to move but then my bad luck is always with me, My leg hit the chair and I kind off lost my balance which made me directly fall on him, with my both hands around the side of his neck.

I remembered the time, When I bumped at him in the college and we both ended on the wall behind him. Luckily this time he managed to stay stable otherwise we both would have ended on the floor.

I looked up and saw him looking back at me. After almost six years, he was so close to me and eventually I lost in him. He was as handsome as he was in college those proper jawline, those cheeks with dimple on it when he smiles, that funny little cute nose, those eyes which always used to make me smile, I can stare them for hours. My heart was beating so fast that it felt like it will come out of my chest.

We both were still staring at each other, which felt like thousand years but that thousand years broke when someone entered in the room, just like our relation, which ended just because of a mere fight.

I realized my hands were still around his neck, quickly I took them back so that no one sees us this way and came out of the board room.

I came out of the room blushing, I hate myself why I always do this? why can't I control my emotions? What he must be thinking that I still have the same feelings for him and that I have not moved on in my life.

I was standing outside the room and saw Aarav leaving from there. Once again our gaze met each other causing the butterflies dancing in my stomach.

He didn't looked back at me but still I felt like looking at him which I did till the doors of elevator were closed completely.

"Do you want to go till parking lot?" Chetan interrupted my thoughts.

Wait what did he just ask?

"What? Of course Not, I mean why would I?" I questioned him back trying to act normal.

"Oh right. Why would you. My mistake." He said and began to leave but then stopped in the midway and turned towards me.

"Have I ever said you about the college I studied in?" He asked and I just wondered why is he asking me about this?

"No, why?"

"Well, then you will surely like to know that we both studied in the same college." He said with a wink and left.


Firstly a massive massive thanks to @Apeksha06 for helping me out to complete this chapter. ❤️❤️❤️

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