Half skinning dipping

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We made our way the pool when I heard Adam shout,"Serenity! Going swimming with clothes on again?"

"Nope!" I shouted back, taking of the sweat shirt to reveal my glorious body. I have a really good body and lets just say my turquoise bikini on me is jaw dropping. And I'm not over confident or anything.

"Come in lets have a relay race!" Venus shouts to Everyone.

In the end the teams are divided and we are ready to go. The first team consists of Me, Adam, Riley, Courtney, Rai. The second team is Aphrodite, Amy, Lita, Serena, Meena. The third team is Venus, Trista, Nathan, Michelle, and Urana.

So it went like a normal race when it was my turn because Adam had two swim back and forth and the touch my hand he took off my bikini top.

"ADAM!" I shout so loud every one stops and covers their ears as I covered my breasts.

Now that everyone saw what happened they were all looking at me. Adam also took my top.

"Give it back!" I yell

"Nope," He says

"I swear to god I kill you!"


"Aphrodite pass my Sweatshirt!"

But Adam intercepts it and also steals it. Good thing he is under water. I swim beside him not caring any more that my upper body id exposed, no one can see it any ways. Flipping over two times I kicked him in the balls. He let go of my sweatshirt, quickly slipping it on I look at him. He just resurfaced.

Then I whispered in his ear," If you wanted to see me you could of just asked," of course Im just playing with him.

Swimming away, caught hold of me and submerged me dunking me. I started kicking furiously.

"You won't get away," he say

Then suddenly he kissed me I kissed him back and using that as an advantage I punched him in the stomach. Swimming fast away I yelled at him, "You stole my first kiss!!" I said angrily.

"You dumbass manwhore!" I continue.

"But you kissed back!" he said

"So I could punch you!"

"Yaa...Sure" He said smirking.

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