"Chica, you just dumped soda on the hottest boy in school! You're going to be a legend by tomorrow and it's only your first day!" She squeaked.

I stopped causing her to slide a little as she came to a halt beside me. "Ok, I admit he's hot but he seems like a high class jerk." I pointed out crossing my arms.

She sighed. "But he wants you!"


"So, you should totally get with that!" She explained.

"He would use me and dump me." I said walking over to the stair well behind her.

"So use him and dump him. God knows how many girls he's done it to."

"I'd rather not."

"Oh come on, even white girls can be mean."

"Maybe it's not about being mean." I pointed out.

"Wait...are you a virgin?" She said crossing her arms.


"No way!" She blurted.

"What?" I shrugged surprised by her reaction.

"Sorry just most girls that look like you don't stay virgins longer than their sophomore years."

"Maybe it actually means something to me?" I said plainly.

The bell for class rang and she got up and held her hands out to me. "Come on if we're late we'll be in huge trouble."


I was standing in the gym after school facing the cheer leading squad.

"Try outs ended nearly five weeks ago." Nadia snapped at me.

"Well I'm new so I was hoping I could try out anyway?" I asked hopefully.

"And why should we give you special treatment." She said coldly back to me.

"Because I'm new...and good."

"She is!" Kalina said jumping into the conversation. "She has moves."

Nadia sighed before turning back to the squad. "Ok does anyone have anything against giving New girl here a chance." No one said anything. "Fine." She said facing me again. "You'll probably fail anyway."

Man, what did I ever do to her?

I smoothed out my pink shorts and pulled down my black shirt.

"Any suggestions for her?" Nadia said with an almost evil smile at me.

"A simple cart wheel?" A voice piped in.

I did a cart wheel first to the right and then to the left showing that I could go both ways.

"Somersault!" Someone else called out.

Wow this is so simple.

I did a forward somersault and a backwards somersault.

"Handstand." I did a handstand and held it for nearly fifteen seconds before falling back and landing in a bridge. Then I kicked up and went back into a handstand before landing back on my feet.

"Front hand spring." Nadia snapped at me.

I did a triple front hand spring landing with a full before pausing for a second and doing a triple back hand spring also ending in a full.

Nadia was practically seething in anger. "Cartwheel, triple back hand spring ending with a full, triple front hand spring with a full ending in the splits." She nearly yelled at me.

I took a running start. Cartwheel. Triple back hand spring with a full. Triple front hand spring with a full. I jumped up and landed in the splits.

I looked up at Nadia and smiled. "I can also do left legged splits and middle splits, in case you were wondering."

"Brad!" She yelled. Almost immediately a tall blonde guy stepped up beside her. "I want you, George and Derek to be her bases."

Oh goodie, I get to be a flyer.

They lifted me up so I had each foot balancing in Brads hands.

"Scorpion." Nadia yelled.

I sighed before carefully grabbing the back of my right leg and lifting it behind me arcing my back and bringing it above my head.

"Toe touch and then a double twist." I heard her call out to me again.

The other two boys moved back closer prepared to be my cradle. They threw me up in the air and I brought my legs out into the splits and touched my toes with my fingertips. I landed perfectly in the boys arms and they hoisted me back up into a standing position before throwing me up again. I angled my body perfectly sideways and spun two times and landed back in the cradle.

I whispered to them before the lifted me back up and I stood in Brads hands again. I brought my foot up directly above my head doing a perfect bow and arrow.

Nadia motioned for two more boys to step up in front of me as I dropped my leg to stand normally while still being held up. "Throw her." Nadia said simply.

The boys already by me carefully tossed me through the air. I turned sideways facing the squad before doing a perfect arc and landing in the cradle on my back correctly.

They set me down and everyone erupted in cheers. Well almost everyone. Nadia was clearly not pleased.

"So everyone in favor of Sage joining the team?" Kalina shouted out with obvious joy. Everyone but Nadia raised their hands. I couldn't help but let a smile break across my face.

"Practice starts tomorrow, be here or you're off the team." Nadia snapped before clapping her hands and getting everyone else's attention again.


I was walking to my car feeling triumphant for making the squad and showing up Nadia. Although my joyful mood was quickly ruined by a deep voicing calling out to me. "Hey Sage!"

I sighed turning to see Aaron. "Can I help you?" I said simply.

"What about that date?" He said leaning up against a car nearby.

"What date? You never asked me on one." I said continuing to my car. I reached my door and had it half open before a hand shot out and slammed it shut. His other hand was placed on the other side of me trapping me between him and my car.

"Go on a date with me." He whispered against my ear.

"No." I said turning and shoving him away.

"Why?" He smiled while shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Because 'go on a date with me' is not asking its commanding and I don't listen to boys who look like you." I said looking him up and down.

"I bet if you did your life would be a lot more exciting." He taunted me. I decided to ignore him and I opened my car door again. I threw my bag in and sat down about to slam the door in his face when he grabbed the door stopping me. "You'll have to go out with me eventually." He said grinning and stepping away.

I waited until he was about five feet away to actually say something. "And why is that?"

"Because I date all the cheerleaders." He called over his shoulder.

I drove home fuming with anger and embarrassment. Embarrassed that he had seen my audition and mad that he never seems to stop bugging me and it's only my first day. 

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