"rory, leave her alone!" vicki scolds her sister, downstairs.

"oh, for the love of god!" lorelai says loudly. she sits on her bed and puts on socks. she looks at the time on her fuzzy clock. 

"this is the last time i buy anything just because it's furry." lorelai says.

rory and vicki stand at the foot of the stairs waiting or their mother.

"it's 7--" rory starts. lorelai walks down the stairs pulling her hair in a ponytail.

"don't even think of finishing that sentence!" lorelai says. she;s wears a bright pink tye-dye t shirt, ripped jean shorts, and cowboy boots. rory and vicki stare. 

"what?" lorelai says, looking down at her outfit.

"nothing. i just didn't know the rodeo was in town." rory says as they start to walk out, vicki giggles at her comment.

"all right, that's it." lorelai says, and grabs a picture of rory and vicki as babies. 

"i'm bringing the baby pictures." lorelai threatens as they walk out the door.

"no! I'm sorry!" rory says.

"we love the rodeo, the rodeo rules!" vicki says pleadingly.

inside the car, rory takes shotgun and vicki's in the back. they're mother complains about her bad luck as they pass the town square. rory and vicki stare at stars hollow high as they pass it, vicki more than rory. she can see diane and claire, from cheer and ross, her lab partner. they're all laughing and having fun. vicki looks away. 'everything's gonna be okay' she thinks as they drive down the highway, towards hartford.

rory, lorelai, and vicki sit in the jeep, staring at the huge school, that had a rather scary look to it. vicki nervously plays with her necklace. the three women tilt their heads to get a better look at it.

"i remember it being smaller." rory comments. lorelai and vicki nod.

"yeah. and less. . ." lorelai starts.

"off with their heads." vicki offers, causing rory and lorelai to hum and nod in agreement.

"yeah."  lorelai approves. she then tilts her head and looks up at the giant school, again.

"what are you looking at?" rory asks curiously.

"i'm just trying to see if there's a hunchback up in that bell tower." lorelai says teasingly.

"so, how do we look?" vicki says, sitting up straight and turning towards her mother and sister in the front seat. her sister copies, turning to face their mother. lorelai smiles, her eyes sparkling with pride.

"you both look great." lorelai says sweetly, rubbing vicki's arm.

"really?" rory says, unsure of herself, knowing her little sister looked flawless, as always.

"really. you are both amazing kids. you have earned this. you just go in there and show them what smart really is. i love you guys. just call me if you need me." lorelai says reassuringly, smiling proudly at her smart, beautiful twin daughters. however, rory was not impressed.

"you're kidding, right?" rory says, making vicki and lorelai look at her confused.

"no. call me if you need anything. i'm great at making up dirty cheers." lorelai teases, thinking rory meant something entirely different than she did.

"you have to go in with us." rory says in a desperate voice. vicki wrinkles her eyebrows, that she had shaped perfectly that morning.

"rory, come on." lorelai says, her eyes begging for reason.

"yeah, rory, she doesn't have to."

"no she has to meet the headmaster." rory says sternly to vicki, she then turns to their mother.

"you have to meet the headmaster." rory tells lorelai desperately.

"well, look at me, rory. i can't meet anybody who does anything in there." lorelai pleads, gesturing to her ensemble. vicki silently agrees.

"mom!' rory says pleadingly.

"no, i look like that chick from the dukes of hazzard." lorelai says stubbornly.

"this is our first day. you are not getting out of going in there with us. period." rory says just as stubbornly. lorelai rolls her eyes, and opens the door. rory and vicki follow suit. two women walking by, give lorelai a stare. vicki pats lorelai's arm.

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