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"Can someone please tell me how it feels
To say the perfect words, a model of appeal
Should I spill secrets inside or should I just hide?
I'll never be okay to reveal"

After half an hour, empty glasses, and many deep conversations, we finally got up to leave. Dodie had a shoot in half an hour which she couldn't be late to, and I told Sophie I would be back by noon and we could go and have a picnic in the park with Dan, her boyfriend, because what better way was there to spend sunny summer days than picnics with friends? Dodie pulled me into a hug, and we held eachother in a tight embrace, both reluctantly letting go after a few seconds longer than any normal hug would.

Just as we were walking out, Dodie stopped. I stopped too, looking over, seeing her pondering over something.

"Belle?" She asked, turning towards me.


"Well... I was invited to this party by some friends, and we were told to bring someone along but most of my friends are already going!" She laughed "so... Would you like to come with me?"

I looked down, having flashbacks to what happened in the club, then looked up again.

She watched me, and, seeing the panic I had written all over my face, she grabbed my hand, concern written all over her face, and reassured me.

"Don't worry, I know nearly everyone who's coming, and they're all lovely people! No-one like..." She trailed off, not wanting to bring it up.

"Ok then," I responded, trying to sound sure of myself. I trusted her, so maybe I should push myself, even if it didn't end so well last time.

"Well, when is it then?" I asked, a smile creeping back onto my face.

I saw her concern turn to glee as she let me know the time and date, a few days from now, and typed the address in my phone.

"Thanks! I'm looking forward to it!" I said, the fear replaced with excitement as I hoped that it would be so much better than my last experience, but if these people were anything like her, maybe I could make some friends too?

After we said our goodbyes, I walked back to the flat, only being ten minutes later than I promised, not that it mattered, Dan was there already, and they were laughing so hard that they couldn't even hear the quiet creek of the door opening, the jangling of my keys and a soft thud as I pushed the door shut behind me.

As I walked into the kitchen, the laughter died down as they finally noticed my arrival.

"Took you long enough." Sophie rolled her eyes dramatically, a playful grin on her face as she carefully placed the tin foil packages of sandwich into a bag.

"Think fast" I heard a shout from Dan, and whipped around to see a bottle of lemonade hurtling towards me. Luckily, I put my hands out just fast enough to shield myself from the cold plastic bottle, and see Dan's mischievous grin from the other side of the room.

"Daniel Robinson, was that really necessary?" I looked him straight in the eye, trying as hard as I could to look pissed off.

"Why yes it was." He told me smugly. I tossed the bottle back to him and, to my amusement, it slipped between his fingers and fell onto the floor. We finished packing the picnic and, half an hour later than intended, set off to the park.

The walk wasn't long - only ten minutes along the busy London streets lined with shops, traffic at a standstill in the middle as per usual. We walked through the great black iron gates, and as you would expect on the few sunny days we get in the UK, the park was pretty packed. Picnic rugs littered the floor, children buzzed about like mosquitos, flitting between weaving through the trees in imaginary wonderlands, getting dizzy watching the merry go-round , parents laughing, booze in hand.

We found a calm spot in the shade of an oak tree and lay down the mat to protect us from the dusty ground below, then unpacked our lunch; sandwiches, crisps, biscuits, and every other snack we could get our hands on had been layed out infront of us. There was enough for a family of 20 - or 3 hungry students!

After stuffing ourselves with as much of the feast in front of us physically possible, we lay down in the shade of the oak tree, enjoying the cool breeze, listening to the hum of business around us: a mixture of voices, but none you could pick out except the occasional gleeful squeal from a child or a low chuckle from their parents, music played, the happy fairground tunes clear from the merry-go-round, birds singing their joyful tunes from the trees.

We stayed there for a while, Sophie's head resting on Dan's chest, me lying close to them both. Although it might seem like I'm third wheeling, ever since I met Dan when they started dating we've been close friends, so it's really not a problem at all. But occasionally, every now and again, I do feel a pang of loneliness in my chest. The feeling of being unloved, and I know that obviously my parents love me, and Sophie loves me as a friend, but sometimes you just want, someone to kiss, someone to hold, someone to love.

a/n - *yes, I'm cringing at how bad most of this chapter is too*, I mean it was kinda a filler chapter, but don't worry, the next chapter will be a lot more exciting but omg thank you all for so much for 200 reads and 100 votes?!
The next chapter will be out soon!

sick of losing soulmates | gxg | dodieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora