Part 1 :Monday

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It was a normal Monday morning meaning Alice had to drag herself to Riverdale High School as she did every week. She walked slowly, not in a rush to arrive at school. Her golden hair bounced as she got closer and closer to her destination. Her mind began to wonder. This tended to happen a lot and Alice loved it. It was her version of an escape from this hell we call a world. She didn't really care what her mind chose to ponder about. As long as it distracted her from now she was ok with it. She stayed in her daydream world until she got to school.

When she arrived it was surprisingly empty outside which was unusual. A sigh left her lips as her feet moved closer to Riverdale High. Inside the halls were also empty and that's when her mind clicked. Shit I'm late. Now this to the normal person would result in them rushing. However Alice just let out another sigh, this one heavier than the last and just walked at the same pace as before. If not slower.

Arriving at the door of her next class, she pulled the door open and left it to slam shut behind her. This caused her class to jump in response. Alice found her seat and sat down, not saying a word. "Alice Smith your late...again" Mr Micheal said annoyance in his tone. Alice rolled her eyes. Talk about satiating the obvious she thought. "Why?"he questioned. Alice shrugged. She honestly didn't know why. She probably woke up late and just didn't check the time. Or maybe it was the daydreaming that slowed her down. Mr Michael let out a sigh and replied "Go to the principles office now." Alice rolled her eyes yet again and got up. She did as she was told. Mr Michael had warned her before 'if your late again your have to go to the principals office.' So she thought it would be better to just do it. She was to tired to fight and just couldn't be asked. Especially if it would just end up with her at the principals office anyway. Alice walked up to the receptionist and told her what happen. She told Alice to take a seat and that's what she did.

After what seemed like an hour but was only 15 minutes, the principal finally came out of his office. However who also came out caught her off guard. She didn't expect to see him. Or at least not this soon. He gave her a look and smirked "hey Alice," this caused her mouth to immediately drop. No way is this happening. It was the one and only. "Fp Jones" she said just purely shocked. "Miss me?"

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