
Trey and I walked around the mall together, laughing and talking about random things. His laugh was so cute, lol. Every once in a while, I would see the flash of a camera go off. It was irritating, but I'm use to it. Trey offered to carry my bags for me, so I handed him the bags full of clothes and jewelry.

"Enjoying yourself?" He asked me.

"Yup." I nodded. "I hope the paparazzi isn't bothering you..."

"Nah, it's cool." He shrugged. "It's part of the life we live."

"I feel the exact same way." I agreed. "Chris hates when the paparazzi follows him around. But I mean, we can't really complain about it because we knew that would come with being famous."

"Exactly." He agreed. "It only irritates me when they get too close."

"I know right." I stated. "I hate when strangers get all in my personal space without my consent."

"Or when they catch you drunk." He chuckled. "They always catch me when I'm throwed."

"They've only caught me like that once." I laughed. "It was girls night and I just had one too many drinks." I chuckled. "I flipped off the paparazzi. I also started singing and dancing to that cockiness song by Rihanna. I was like... groping myself and stuff. It was hilarious."

He laughed. "Damn girl. You were out of there."

"I really was." I giggled and nodded.



I walked Zo up to her front door and she nervously turned to face me. I chuckled and sat her bags inside the foyer. She shyly looked down at our feet for a few seconds before speaking.

"Thanks for doing this." She said quietly.

"Doing what?" He asked.

"Canceling everything on your schedule and stuff." She stated. "I know you only did it to make me not feel like a slut... It was really thoughtful of you."

"Not true." I shook my head. "I did it because I actually wanted spend more time with you."

"Seriously?" Her eyes lit up.

I chuckled. "Yeah. I meant it when I said that I really like you."

"Wow... That's..." She blushed. "That's great."

I grinned. "I'll call you tonight, aight?"

"Okay." She smiled.

I lightly pecked her lips and her blush got deeper which made me chuckle a little.

She's so adorable.

She smiled at me again before stepping inside. She lightly waved before closing door. I made my way over to Chris's house and rang the doorbell. His girlfriend, Rachel answered the door and smiled at me.

"Oh, hi Tremaine." She flirtatiously smiled at me.

"It's Trey." I corrected her.

I hate it when people try to call me by my real name.

Honestly, Zonnique is the only person besides my mother who I allow to call me Tremaine.

"Where is Chris?" I asked her.

"He's downstairs in his man cave thing." She rolled her eyes.

I made my way down to Chris's man cave and saw him sitting in a reclining chair playing 2K14. I cleared my throat and he paused the game.

"Did you do it?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I took her out on two dates." I stated. "I told her that I'd call her tonight."

"What?" He scrunched up his face. "I just told you to flirt with her. What the hell are you doing taking her on dates and shit?"

"I told you from the beginning that I'm not the player type and that I really have feelings for Zonnique." I said. "I'm taking her mind off whoever hurt her, like you wanted me to do. But I'm not about to just ditch her now."

"What the fuck, Trey!?" He huffed. "She's going to catch feelings!"

"Good." I shrugged. "That's what I want. Because I actually like her. She deserves somebody who will treat her right."

"I know what she deserves!" He shouted. "But what makes you think that you're that somebody?!"

"You'll see."

After saying that, I made my way back upstairs and left.

I don't know what his problem is, but he suck all that shit up.

If Zonnique was really his best friend, he would just want to see her happy.

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