chap 3

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" didnt she tell you stay away?" i paled at his voice. he was alive.

"whoa man lets just be calm here" i look over and saw he had a medal rod.

" no man i won't i surgest you leave my baby sister alone!" my eyes wided. before i knew it greg was on the ground. i scream and fell to the ground.

" no! greg please get up!" i shooked him. i looked at my brother i stood up and ran.

" lee!" i herd his heavy foot steps behinde. i went though an ally way for a while and heard nothing i slowed down and came to the park. i saw a bench and went to sit down. I have to call the police. i reach in my pocket for my phone. just then i was hit in the head by somthing i fell off the bench and soon every thing went black.

I was sleeping in my bed when i heard screams. i jumped out of bed and race down stairs. smoke every were.

" mommy?!" i was searching for her smoke came in my naustral and i was choking i couldn't breath i was getting out of conseces. sicking screams come out again. then i was in the dark.

I woke up in the hospital bed i sat up screaming.

" mommy!! danny!!" nurses and doctors came in trying to hold me down.

" no let go! i have to find them!" they held me down and stuck a needle in my arm.

For years i was switch from foster home to foster home none of them could take care of me. my screams at night woke up the whole house. then once i turn 17 i was on my own.

I woke up in a bed i didnt reconize. I jumped up and suddenly felt dizzy. my head was pounding. i reach and touch it and wince. The door swong open and walked in no other then my brother.

" oh I'm glade your a wake" i backed up and found a lamp. i threw it at him which he easly ducked.

" now lee there's no need to throw things" i glared at him.

" my name is not lee its eliza!" my hand was bald up in a fist.

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