chap 2

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I sat there on the couch looking at the brown envilop. after an hour of thinking i decided to open it. i tear the top open and pulled out pictures and a locket. i looked at the picture my breath cought in my throaght. it was picture of me one i was little to all the up till now. i looked at the locket it had burn marks on it. i remeber this i use to wear it around my neck tears came to my eyes. i opened it up right there on the left was are parents and on the right was me and my brother. there was somthing elese i looked at the note.

I never left your side -d

i drop the note and shooked my head. no no he's dead there all dead!

I hurried and gathered the stuff. i went to the trash can and riped it up.

" This is just a sick joke nothing elese!" i told my self i grabed my truck keys and hurried out making sure i locked the door behind me. right when i. turned around i ran intk some one.

he cought me before i fell.

" Hey whatch were your going!" i hank my arm away and looked at who it was.

" Greg not now I'm not in the mood!" i growled and started walking away.

"Wait eliza i got work for you" i turned around and looked at his han. i grabed the paper.

" Thanks." i mumble and started walking and he followed.

"So are you gonna tell me what happen at school?"i was at my truck and turned to him.

" Look greg I'm glade you have concern for me but i don't need you! if i were you ill stay away." Hurt came into his eyes.

" eliza if you in trouble let me help you" i was about to answer when some one answer for me that i didn't expect.

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