Chapter 3 -Bitter Love

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A few weeks pass, everything is going perfectly between Rose and Sam, Rose really does believe its fate, and that she will be with Sam forever, let's hope that's the case. keiji has become happier, only wanting Rose to be happy. The Summer holidays roll around. School is over, however, it is Rose's busiest time of year, all the hackers now with spare time on their hands trying to access the Royal Family's information, this annoys Rose more then you know. She spends hours inside while her friends are all at the beach, she is stopping some old git from accessing the information. Rose had never failed before, and she doesn't plan on starting now. She is probably one of the top hackers in the world due to her gift of all-knowing she can easily predict their next move stopping it before they even try throwing them off so she can break their software.

Just as Rose started to relax the group chat becomes active again. Rose logs on.

@Roselikescats: Hey guys

@Tiffyloo: Oh hey Rose...

@QuakingAlyssa: O_o

@Roselikescats: Is everything okay?

@RoosyGoose: oh, Yeah sort of...

@Roselikescats: Sort of?

@Tiffyloo: We have something we might need to tell you but we need solid confirmation first.

@Roselikescats: Okay?

Rose didn't know what to think and she doesn't want to use her power for everything at life otherwise she would become too powerful and she feels like that would just be cheating. Even so, the chat continues.

@Tiffyloo: Guys we caught him out!

@RoosyGoose: Wait really? I was hoping it wasn't the case

@QuakingTiffy: OOOOOO now I'm peeved.

@Roselikescats: Guys, what is going on, I have the right to know.

@Tiffyloo: Rose sweety, I'm sorry but...

@Roselikescats: But what?

Rose's heart starts to pound she begins to sweat even though she has a fan blowing cold air at her constantly. Thoughts and worry start to fill Rose's mind however she doesn't use her powers out of fear of what it could be.

@QuakingAlyssa: Rose Sam has been cheating on you with Scarlette.

@Roselikescats: What?

@Tiffyloo: Yeah, I'm so sorry hun

@RoosyGoose: Scarlette will pay!

@Tiffyloo: Don't worry Rose we will sort this all out, by first beating up Sam!

@RoosyGoose: Rose don't worry he will not get away with this!

@Tiffyloo: Aspens right! We will go talk to him

@Roselikescats: Thank you guys but, I just need time alone.

@QuakingAlyssa: Of course all honey, you can have all the time you need, call me if you need me <3.

@Roselikescats: Yeah thanks, Alyssa. <3

@Tiffyloo: Same goes, cya later Rose, <3

@RoosyGoose: Call whenever, bye <3

Rose then logs out. her face emotionless and broken, after all, how do you react? With anger? Fear? Sadness? Or do you do nothing?

Rose lowers her eye line, tears start flowing down her face. she starts to sob. She looks up at the monitor with her and Sam's chatroom. She deletes it and blocks it.

I don't even wabnt is explanation." Rosa says to herself. her tears flowing faster down her rosy cheeks.

"Why? Why? Why me? After everything, he went behind my back, SAM WHY? I.. I thought you loved me." Rose cries out to herself.

Razzmatazz - 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora