Ashton Irwin - Imagine - Request #1

Start from the beginning

You wake up to your alarm going off. You turn it off and climb out of bed. You brush your teeth, and put some black shorts and a pink t-shirt on. You go into the living room and see your mom sitting on the couch.

"Good morning, sweetie," She says as she stands up.

"Hi, mom," You say as you pour yourself a cup of orange juice and then sit at the table.

"Tomorrow's the big day. Are you excited?" She asks you.

"I am so excited that I might just have a heart attack," You say jokingly.

There is a knock at the door as you take another drink or orange juice.

"Who is it?" You ask.

"Who do you think it is? It's hot out here, let me in!" Your friend says through the door.

Your best friend was sleeping over at your house, so you can go to the concert together.

"Hey!" You say as you hug her.

"I cannot believe that we are meeting 5 freaking Seconds of Summer!" She yells.

"I know! It doesn't feel real."

After your mom said hello to your friend, you went into the kitchen and got some food and drinks. You were both on a mission to find the perfect outfit to wear to the concert and meet the boys in.

The whole rest of the day was spent on counting down the hours until you got to meet them and trying to find the perfect outfit. You decided on a pair of light blue skinny jeans, a black under shirt, black converse, and the matching black 5sos t-shirt that you and your friend got when you first got the tickets. Your friend decides on a pair of black skinny jeans, pink converse, and the band t-shirt. You hang up the clothes in your closet, and then decide to go to bed, or try to go to bed at least.

You wake up the next morning and jump out of bed. You jump on your friend to get her up.

"What do you want?" She asks as she puts her pillow over her head.

"Today is the day!" You yell as you jump on her.

"Today is the day!" She repeats as she gets up.

You both scramble to your closet to get the clothes. You take turns getting dressed in the bathroom, and then brush your teeth, hair, and add some makeup.

"Girls! It's time to go!" You hear your mother calling you.

"Coming!" You say as you grab your tickets.

On the way there, you were way to excited to even talk. Your mother kissed you goodbye and told her to call her if you needed anything.

"Bye mom!" You say as she drives away.

The concert was incredible. You knew every single word to every single song. You screamed so loud that you could barely talk by the time the concert was over.

After the concert, you had to go back outside and wait in a new line to meet the boys.

Once you get into the room, you see about thirty girls there in line already, and you were early. You take out your phone to take pictures a few pictures of you and your friend as you hear screaming. You turn and see Luke walk into the room first, then Michael, Calum, and then Ashton.

You and your friend are in tears by the time it is your turn to meet them. You asked your friend to take a picture with them, and did the same during her turn.

You hug Luke, Michael, and Calum, and tell them how much they mean to you, but you don't see Ashton anywhere.

"Guess who." A familiar voice says from behind you. You turn and see Ashton surrounded by a few girls.

"Uh," Was all you could say.

"I'm Ashton," He says as he extends his hand to shake yours.

"Hi, Ashton, this is my friend, Carla," Your friend says stepping in.

"That's a lovely name, Carla." Ashton says as he smiles down at you.

"Thanks," You say a little shy.

"Can I get a picture with you?" You ask nervous.

"Of course," He says as he puts his hand on your waist and pulls you towards him.

"Oops, that one was blurry," Your friend says as she takes about three or four more.

As Ashton turns to take a picture with another fan, your friend mouths, "They weren't blurry."

"Talk to him," Your friend whispers as she walks over to talk to Luke.

"Ashton?" You say in a shaky voice.

"Yes, lovely?" He says as he turns to face you. God, that face makes you so nervous.

"It was her birthday a few weeks ago, and she was wondering if maybe you could give her something to remember you by?" Your friend asks. Life saver.

"Of course, one second," He says before disappearing.

He comes back in a few moments later with something behind his back.

"It's not much, but it's my favorite headband." He says as he hands you the headband.

"Thank you so much," You say as you hug him again.

"No problem. I also want to take you out to a late birthday dinner. What do you say?" He asks.

"I would love that," You say smiling.

"Good. Call me," He smiles and then leans down and kisses you on the cheek. 


"Ready for your date?" Your mother asks you as you come out of your room.

"Yeah, I've been ready for weeks," You say as you add some light lip gloss.

You are wearing a black medium length dress with a glitter belt. You decide on a pair of black flats and your hair is piled on your head with strands hanging down around your face.

There is a knock on the door and you rush to open it.

"Hey," Ashton says as he leans up against the door frame.

"Hi," You smile at him.

"You look so amazing," He says as he steps closer to you.

"Thanks, you look great, too," You say as you grab your purse.

"Don't be out too late," Your mother says from the kitchen.

"I won't mom. Love you!" You yell and then you are gone.

"Where are we going?" You ask him as you get into his car.

"It's a surprise," He says as he flashes your favorite smile.

You drive for about ten minutes, before Ashton pulls up to a beautiful grassy area.

 "Come on," He says as he extends his arm out for you to take and you gladly accept.

He walks you over to an area and there is a blanket, a basket, and candles.

"Sorry that it's not perfect," He says looking down.

"No, it is perf-" You begin as he leans over and kisses you.

(A/N) Hope you like it Carla! Sorry it's kinda lame. I'll make you a better one soon:)

Ashton Irwin - ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now