Chapter 4

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As soon as the group got back to the base, Leo had grown a liking to the strange people, and felt the need to help them.

"Wait," Jackson's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "So if you're from Earth 1, than you must know how to get us home!"

Leo slowly turned to his husband, not wanting to break the news. Ray looked at his feet.

"Yeah, I know where it is."

Leo cut in. "Yeah it's actually not that far from here!"

"Um 23.5 kilometers to be exact."

Leo smiled at Ray and simply said, "Well we'd drive there." Before going back into his thoughts.

The next thing he knew, he was fighting for Alex to try and convince the general to change his mind. He was about to walk away when Ray grabbed his arm and dragged him into the barracks.

"Why do you feel the need to help them? I mean, I've hardly been back three hours and you've, 1. Gone out of your mission boundaries, 2. Gotten everyone's hopes up, and 3. Convinced someone to try to defy the generals orders. What's up?"

Leo looked at his spouse and sighed. "Ray, these people are willing to give up anything at all just to get back to their loved ones, just like I would. For you." Leo gently caressed his husbands face  and pulled him in for a kiss. The first one they've shared in about 3 weeks. Ray gently pulled back and smiled. "I love you. But I want you to know that you need to change and possibly shower, because you smell like death." 

A/n well that ended on a cheery note. Why the parts (I can't even call them chapters) are so short? I don't know. Why I am here? Because I'm lonely. No one ever even reads the authors notes??

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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