Start from the beginning

DO you know how little that is?

And another thing that just turns off readers, when the story takes place in school, and somehow, they just have lunch and twenty minute breaks for epic fight battles with pubescent boys fighting for their mate's affections.
Or, or if you get a really good writer, I'm being extremely sarcastic, the only time you have them talk to anyone other than their new flame and two-dimensional friends is when they're being incredibly rude to their teachers.

And I'm sorry, but if you have your characters being asses to teachers for no reason, then I'm going to call you out on it, delete the hell out of the book, and go back to gay fanfiction to cleanse my mind.

Literally, I've read so many where the teachers are just passing out papers, or getting angry because their students are being total tools, and then they end up getting chewed out and probably fired.

Have you ever heard of abuse of power? Half of the writers on Wattpad make their Alphas abuse the hell out of it for mundane things. Like firing teachers that are trying to pay their bills.

Asshole students= No reads. No reads. and if you get reads, those people are probably asses too.

But anyways, when the characters are just screaming, spewing random things and at the end of their sentence almost always adding '????!!!!!!?????'. You know how many ? or ! you need?




Not freaking twenty, not two, not three, not five. One. We understand their excitement, you shouldn't have to rely on those to make your readers feel the emotion you're trying to transfer.



Okay okay. Has anyone noticed that the girl is always kidnapped? And then the villain has some kind of weird fascination with them, like- "Mmhm, so pretty. Bet your Alpha likes that, oh but you aren't marked, hmm. Maybe I should mark you."

And then boom, Alpha comes in there at the last moment while the girl is dangling on a rope, screaming and beaten to a bloody pulp, and he's like: "UNHAND HER!"

And then it's either an "epic" battle for seventeen pages or it's like: He instantly jumped up and then bit the man's neck in half. He instantly died.

And then you're stuck there thinking: sorry, I'm confused is that the climax or anti-climax because damn, I just went through three hours of reading your illiterate book because you promised in the summary of an epic battle that would blow my socks off, not a couple of paragraphs of them rolling around and then the inevitable ending of the Alpha coming out on top unscathed.

Wattpad has such sucky villains.

Let's be honest, when is the last time you've read a book where a: the villain kidnaps the main girl/boy because he's creep obsessed with them. b. the villain has no other back story than 'he's a dangerous rogue' or 'he's my brother.' or c. where it just feels like he's there for the convenience of the plot.

Most of the time, there is no mention of the bad guy until chapter fifteen. There is not a storm in sight until the main chick is like, prego or something, and the main dude is just like... there, and then the author realizes that her plot of "girl meets alpha, alpha mates with her, she gets pregnant, sunshine and rainbows!" can't even be considered a plot.

So there's no foreshadowing in the previous chapters, there is no dark words that could be double innuendos that make you think for a second and say: this author playin with me, or she playin with me?

There's nothing to hint that anything bad is coming, it's just: hi, so I'm this new villain, and on my schedule I'm going to kidnap your girlfriend, but you're going to kill me almost instantly. Don't worry about the backstory, I'm a villain- I don't have one. And if I do, I assure you I'm either your long lost brother you betrayed, or just really obsessed with your girl.

There's no revenge, there's no Wait Is He a Good Guy Caught In A Bad Situation (Which I have done before, *cough cough* SKIN, shameless self-promoting done.)

A good villain should make you question your loyalties and where you stand. Is he good, or is he bad. (let's assume he's a he, but chick villains are so femme fatale it's unreal, and I actually prefer it.) Is the main antagonist actually our protagonist? Is our protagonist actually our antagonist? Who is good? Who is bad?

Confuse the fuck out of your reader, seriously. If your reader isn't questioning who they should trust, who they think they should be routing for- you're doing it wrong.

Your characters should not be perfect, you should have your good guys have bad sides, and have your bad guys have good sides.

Another type of villain that I drool over, and I actually read a good good good fanfiction about the Winchester boys being sociopaths, when they just don't care. They honestly don't care who they are hurting, as long as they aren't hurting each other.

Okay, so I'm going to use the Winchesters as an example. (Canon stuff, like in previous seasons so SPOILERS)

Honestly, Eric Kripke did such a good job with the boys and that still carries even in s10. Because there has been two constants in Sam and Dean's life: One, they kill things, lots of things. Sometimes those things are good things(throw back to when Dean murdered the monster chick that was just trying to save her kid) The point is, they don't care what they kill. What is so interesting to wrap my head around, is the fact they kill for each other.

And two: They have only ever had each other. They're each other's weak spots. Dean's siren is LITERALLY Sam, Sam's reason for not letting Lucifer destroying the world was LITERALLY because of Dean.

The point is, create a villain that has a story arch like Sam and Dean, who wants revenge.

And I also think this is important, because when I'm creating my villains, I think of this quote that was once said to Dean and Sam, "There is nothing better than someone killing for you."

Who would your villain kill for? For themselves, for their mothers, for their lovers, for their friends?
Why is your villain killing? If the one your villain killing for manipulating even more so he can get more kills? Is your villain a sociopath, a psychopath, mentally ill, just scared or too in love?

The thing that makes the Winchesters tick, kill for each other, die for each other, sell their souls for each other, is the fact they are psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent on each other. That's a canon fact, s5.

So, what I'm trying to say is what makes your villain tick? His own fucked up brain, or someone else's?


i tried. sorry this took so long. i don't know if i'll continue, sorry for the Winchesters but i just love them so freaking much.

should I continue?
is this even useful?

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