Fantasy Final Entries

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I have to start off by saying how difficult it was to narrow this down to only 10 entries. If it hadn't been so hard to find judges we would have just added 3 more judges. Maybe next year. Please know that if you were not chosen it does not reflect in any way on the quality of your work. We hope you enter again in the future as we plan to only have one round of judging and limited entries. So that everyone that is accepted will get judged for a chance at a prize.

Make sure to follow your genre judges by February 10th or you will lose twenty points. Check mark means judges have turned in scores.

Fantasy Genre Judges:

1.) writeordie0214

2.) Insane_Mist

3.) CrystalCherie  ✔

Fantasy Final Entries: (In no particular order)

1.) And the Pages Fall by LittleVee

2.) Euridites: The Necromancer by PurpleReborn

3.) The Last Philosopher by NickfEast

4.) Beneath the Glass Dome by DanielleKazemi

5.) The Last Realm by ray_of_sunshine9

6.) From Embers - The Fireborn Chronicles Book 1 by StarbucksMocha

7.) As the Crow Flies by Simply_Hiraeth

8.) Blade Song by Aruko-Rukie

9.) The Dragon's Apprentice by AMValentines

10.) Daemons and Demigods by whatislive

We suggest everyone take the next few days before judging begins to polish your work. Spelling and grammar do count. Best of luck!

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