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As Marcus and I walk into the middle of rogue territory. I feel the presence of a very important rogue.

"Mar, there is someone behind us." I whisper to Marcus who turns around and I see a man walk to us in a suit.

"You have the scent of mate on you." He says as we look like him like he is crazy. "Um, I have a mate already, 2 actually." I say as he rolls his eyes at me.

"You're not my mate, I said you have their scent, idiot."He says rolling his eyes yet again.

"Why are you here, anyway?" He askes. "Are you running away from your mates?" He added.

"Yep." We said in unison. 

"You can stay 72 hours, then we go to my mate." He says.

"Alright." I say as he take us to this cabin. 


As man in suit takes us to this cabin, I think 72 hours it will take us 4 to get here so technically we leave the day after tomorrow, before the sun comes up.

We walk into the cabin, scratch that it looks like a mansion in here. 

"How-" I say before he interrupt me by saying " Being a rogue gives you money.", before walking in another room.

"Are you guys sharing a room." He yells, I think coming from the bathroom.

" Do we have to!" We yell back.

"No!" He yells as I put my hand over Max's mouth before he yells another thing.

"Wait, till he comes back." I say as I remove my hand from his mouth.

"Alright, I'm going to call your sister." He says before he walks off. 

Man in Suit 

"Which room do you want." I ask the little person who is sitting in the kitchen playing on his phone.

"What rooms are there." The idiot ask as he walks in.

"There is a master bedroom, a upstairs one, and a downstairs one." I say as little person runs upstairs probably looking for the master bedroom.

"Marcus, where are you going!" The idiot yell as he follow little person upstairs as I laugh and went to the master bedroom, which was next to the kitchen. 

"Idiots." I mumble as I hear them come downstairs and yell angrily.

"HOW!" They yell as I fall on the bed laughing.

"You didn't listen, I said a master bedroom, a upstairs one, and a downstairs one, I never said the master bedroom was upstairs" I said to the idiots.

"Ohhh."Little person said.

"Yep now let me sleep." I say as I push them our my room and close the door.

"Goodnight." Idiot said as he open the door. "Night." I said as I close and locked the door this time.


I wake up to see idiot and little person fixing breakfast, as 5 other guys come in.

"Who are you?" I ask the tallest person of the group.

"You'll find out when you bring our mates back." The average guy says. 

"Who are your mates?" I asked thinking about idiot and little person, who are running away from their mates.

"Ohh idiot and little person are your mates, well too bad, you have to wait for the next 72 hours for them." I said as I start waking up.

"72 hours, is all you have." Another guy said as I woke up.

*End of Dream*

"WAKE UP!" Idiot yelled.

"I'm woke, jeez." I grumbled as I push my toes and hear a thump and little person laughing.

"What's funny?" I ask as little person point to idiot who's on the floor, laughing. 

"Okay, you have a few minutes to get dress or you will starve."I say as they both run out my room and climb the stairs.

"You ready!" I yell as they start running down the stairs and idiot trips over the last step and little person trips over him, and as I walk towards the door, i trip over idiot as we all start laughing, then we get up, stop laughing, fall again and start laughing again.


As we get out the rogue's dream, I think why did Max run, does he not want me to be his mate. I come up with an idea so both my mate's will be happy.

"Hey, mate what's wrong." My mate asks.

"Nothing." I lie looking down so I won't see his glare.

"What's wrong?" He asks again this time pulling me on his lap.

"Just worry about Max." I say only telling half of the truth, but relieved when mate believes me.

"He'll be back." Mate assuared me.

"Okay." I say as I think about my idea to leave and give Max and mate the kingdom.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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