Chapter 2: The Truth💔

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The picture above is Mother Trinity high queen of the moon.(Picture belongs to the original owner who drew this, I do not own this.)

"Don't allow fear to cloud your mind, your darkness feeds on your fear, the more you are scared, the more your darkness grows."

At Central Core⚙️

Mother Trinity:"Oh ho! How droll, me, come greet you in person? What reason should I have to lift a finger for a run-down cast and two failed newmans? Consider it unwarranted honor enough that I should deign to watch you get erased from this existence. And with that, I leave you to my dear loyal Reve."

Sarisa:"That may be what we were taught to believe, but by whom? Reve, she deceived us! She used us!">÷<

Taiyo:"She's right, it was mother trinity that killed our ancestors, how can you not see that?!"=-=

Mother Trinity:"Reve? You have your orders, why do you stay your hand?"

Sarisa:"He's right! It's not too late, Reve! We can still use your help!"

Taiyo:"..please reve, I don't want to fight you..">~<

Mother Trinity:"Eradicate them immediately, Reve. That is precisely why I have given you your new powers."

Reve:"Of course, leave them to me."

Sarisa:"Reve, no! Wait! You have to be questioning her by this point!">×<

Taiyo:"..reve, don't have to do this..">-<

Reve:"Silence! I do not wish to hear anymore of your ranting. The time for words has passed. All fools who turn on mother trinity must be made to pay!"


It wasn't easy, this boss was hard to fight, the way it uses slow and barta. It didn't take long enough for it to go down, and with that, the boss is defeated. That was a little easy but hard at the same time.

After the battle🌾

Mother Trinity:"I had planned to erase the lot of you, but I suppose given by your performance, I just might reconsider. On the condition that you leave and never show your faces here again, of course. Regardless of your choice, your lives will end in a blink of an eye by my reckoning, it makes no difference to me."

Ogi:"You used me! How could you?!"*~*

Sarisa:"We need to get back to Ana, now!"=~=


At the resistance base💐

Ana:"So who is mother trinity?"•~•

Then Ogi began to explain who mother trinity was, she is a organic computer built to assist mankind, but no one knows why she turned on her makers. What he said next, shocked me.

Taiyo:"So we were created by humans?" =~=

Sarisa:"It that really ture?!"÷-÷

Ana:"To think that humans were our enemy, but instead they are our ancestors."

Then he continued to talk about more about mother trinity, what mother trinity did was beyond horrible, how can she do that? She used three different weapons to get rid of the newmans and casts. One that was very affective against us newmans, that explains why there aren't anymore newmans living anymore, however she didn't stop there, she used photon noise to put the casts into complete sleep. Then she used photon eraser, one that was powerful enough to wipe out the humans, and even today, the surface of earth is the result of the photon eraser that happened two centuries ago, it's still visible on the surface.

Taiyo:"That's just terrible, why would she do such a thing? What did we do to deserve this?! She's nothing more than a monster! She killed off our ancestors. And for that, she will pay!"°^°

Sarisa:"That's just wrong, she didn't have to do that. Our ancestors did nothing to her." °~°

Taiyo's Pov📌

Why would she do this? What drove her to turn on her makers? Did they do something to make her mad? It doesn't make any sense, it just doesn't, her words are still in my mind, failed newman, and traitor. Just stop it! That's enough! No more of this! I just can't take this anymore! Why? What did we do to deserve this? It's not fair, our ancestors did nothing wrong and yet they get killed by mother trinity. By this point, I was crying, my body was shaking, I kept sobbing, I never cried this much before, my ancestor dead, I felt something wipe away the tears on my face. I looked up and saw kai.;^;

Taiyo:"Kai! You're okay! Thank goodness, I thought I lost you there in Makara Ruins."

Kai:"Why are you crying?" '^'

Taiyo:"..." '~'

Sarisa:"It's really personal Kai,"+~+

Kai:"Did you lose someone close to you?"

Taiyo:"My ancestor is dead, been dead for 2 centuries." •-•

Kai:"Who killed your ancestor?" *-*

Taiyo:"Mother Trinity!" -•-

Kai:"What!? Why?" ×-×

Sarisa:"Because she thought that the humans were trying to stop the newmans from living in this world."🙍‍♀️

Kai:"That's not right! It just isn't! Why would she kill her own children?!" =•=

Taiyo:'..that i'm not sure why she would do that." °-°

Can Taiyo tell Kai her feelings? Or will someone else take Kai away from her? Tune in next time on Phantasy Star Zero! Anyways see you guys next time!

-Aoki Lapis2

-Aoki Lapis2

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