A Magical Moment

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Harry Potter marched angrily into the broom cupboard, wearing his mud splattered Gryffindor Quidditch robes. his team had just lost to Slytherin after a long and painful match, and he was quite obviously, furious.

He basically shoved his broom inside, growling to himself.

"Ugh, stupid Slytherins! They were cheating all along!" He shouted, punching the wall in anger.

With a single fell swoop, he knocked over all the brooms in the cupboard, and he let out yet another yell of frustration.

Sighing, he began to pick all the brooms up. Since the rest of his team had already put their stuff away, there was nobody to help him.

It took ages, and just as he was about to leave and finally get rid of his dirty clothes, none other than Draco Malfoy swaggered around the corner and stopped at the doorway, victorious and smirking like the smug little ferret he was.

"Having fun, Potter? Picking up all the ickle broomsticks after your defeat?"

"Shut up Malfoy, before I make you shut up!"

"Ooh, Potter, is that a threat or a promise?"

"Malfoy I swear to god, I mean it."

Draco shrugged, shouldering past him and placing his broom up against the wall.

Suddenly, the door swung and slammed closed, locking with a loud click.

"... what the hell?!" Harry exclaimed. He tried to open the door, to no avail.

"Why won't it open! Let me try!" Draco demanded, shoving Harry out of the way and failing to open the door as well.

He lifted his wand and pointed it at the lock.

"Alohomora!" He cast, but once again, the stubborn door didn't move a muscle.

"Oh no! I'm stuck in here. With yOU!" He cried in utter despair.

"How do you think I feel, Malfoy?!"

"I don't care how you feel! I'm the important one here!"

Unable to control his anger any longer, Harry threw an anger filled punch directly at Draco's pristine face.

Draco dodged just in time, then shoved Harry against the wall of the broom cupboard, toppling brooms that Harry had spent so long balancing.

Unfortunately, Harry grabbed Draco's robes, pulling him down on top on him.

The two boys fought on the ground for a short time, wrestling and scratching, but it all came to an abrupt haunt, when Draco's knee accidentally brushed against Harry's vulnerable crotch.

The dark haired boy let out a glittering moan, spikes of pleasure shooting through his body as his nether regions were stimulated in ways he had never imagined.

Draco stopped fighting immediately. He was so shocked by Harry's reaction, and so... tantalised. He never imagined that the stupid Potter boy could ever look so sexy and inviting.

He couldn't help himself, he scooted up a little, pressing his own groin against Harry's already aroused area.

Harry moaned once more, pressing a hand against his mouth to muffle the noise.

"M-M-Malfoy... what are you... doing..." he whispered breathlessly. Draco didn't reply. He simply reached out with a hungry hand, and caressed the growing bulge in the boy's pants.

The moan that came next was louder than before. Harry was definitely growing an erection. He felt so dirty, and strange, but he still didn't do anything to stop his rival from touching him in his sensitive spot.

A Magical Encounter - Draco x Harry (Smut)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu