My exams were Tuesday and Wednesday and then I had the rest of the week off.  Joe had texted me about going with him to the boys club on Thursday, but after that I was hoping Ajax would want to have a long weekend together. 

I pulled out my phone, all this thinking about Ajax made me want to text him.

BJ:  Hi Sir

After a few seconds I received a text back.

AJ:  Hi Benji, how's your studying going?

BJ:  Good Sir.  I was thinking about you and wanted to say hi.

AJ:  That's fine, as long as you're getting your work done.

BJ:  I am!  Jamie and I have got a lot done and even did a practice test earlier.  I got almost all of them right.

AJ:  Good boy, keep studying until you get them all right.

Okay, I admit I rolled my eyes. 

BJ:  Yes Sir

AJ:  Call me before you go to bed.

BJ:  Okay Sir.  Bye.

AJ:  Bye Benji.

I focused back on my book, my grades so far were high C's, which I was not too happy about. Hopefully I could pull off some B's in the midterms and get them back up a bit.  If I did as well as I did on the practice test for PS101, I could do that too.

Jamie and I studied in the library until about 9:00pm and then walked back to her dorm.  We quizzed each other for another hour in her room before I headed back to my own.  When I walked in my roommate was actually there unpacking a laundry bag.

"Hey dude," he said as I walked in.

"Hey Rick, how's it going?"

"Good.  Me and Cindy did laundry tonight, I'm just gonna put this stuff away and go back to her place."

"That's cool, but no rush, this is your room too."

"Yeah...dude, sorry I'm probably not the best roommate.  You know...Cindy and I have been together since 10th grade, we're just used to spending all our time together and since her roommate dropped out, she's had a single."

"I totally get it, don't worry about it.  I'm not around so much anymore anyway, I hooked up with somebody and so I'll be gone most weekends and a night or two a week.  Plus I've got other stuff going on too."

"Cool!  Well...still, if you need anything, you've got my digits," he said as he stuffed a few things in a backpack and headed towards the door.

"See ya Rick!"

After he left I grabbed my towel and shower stuff and headed down to the large bathroom.  I needed a hot shower to wind down after all the studying.  When I entered I heard a shower running, so I knew at least one other person was there.  The bathroom on this floor had urinals and toilet stalls on one side of the room, sinks with mirrors in the middle and the other side had 8 large shower stalls.  It wasn't one of those communal shower rooms, which I was grateful for.  Being gay didn't mean I enjoyed taking showers with a bunch of other guys.  On the contrary, especially if they were hot it could be a disaster.  I remember one time taking a shower after gym in High School and the captain of the football team was lathering up his smoking hot body.  The worst thing that could have happened did.  Yup!  I got a huge ass boner right there in front of him.

The only saving grace was that yeah, this was the same one who was the closet gay and stole my first boyfriend.  So at least he wasn't horrified.  Probably more horrifying was the fact that when he saw it, he smirked, walked right over and I let him give me a hand job.

Special Handling  (manxman)Where stories live. Discover now