Chapter 2 - "New Challenges Await"

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*2 weeks later*

Seto was in his office working on a new duel disk when Cara entered her office which made him smile instantly
Seto: Hello baby girl. How did school go?
Cara: It was fine
Seto: And how is leaning songs with Yami going?
Cara: *blushes* F-fine.
Seto: So you are able to memorize the lyrics?
Cara: Not really.
Seto: Is Yami the problem or your stage fear?
Cara: My stage fright.
Seto: You should talk to Diana. I as a male can't be much help. A female knows better how to help her own kind after all. And you could use a friend like her anyways
Cara: *sighs*
Seto: You want me to ask her for you? She's a friend of mine
Cara: Can you?
Seto: Well of course. She has never said "no" to me before *says as he picks up his cellphone and sends Diana a text*
Cara: *waits*
Soon enough Seto receives a text back to which he grins and chuckles
Seto: She's asking when do you want her to come over?
Cara: *gulps*
Seto: What? There is nothing to be worried about. You won't find a more down to earth person than her
Cara: It doesn't matter. Whenever she has the time. *looks at the floor*
Seto smiles and texts Diana back receiving an instand reply this time
Seto: She said to expect her to be here in a second
Cara: *silent, staring at the floor*
Soon enough a flash appears with an explosion and smoke appear in a spiral before it vanishes and it's plays took on top of the coffie table a golden dressed fairy with a sweet smile and a golden star printed over her left eye while her hands were on her hips
Cara: *doesn't notice*
Seto: Um Cara ... You might want to look up honey
Cara: *looks silently*
Diana giggles before she steps down and offers Cara her hand
Diana: Well hello there sweetie. I'm Diana Zandars. It's a pleasure to meet you
Cara: *becomes nervous and shy*
Diana smiles sweetly with her hand still in the air, waiting patiently while Seto watches what happens carefully
Cara: *takes her hand*
Diana grins and shakes it while Seto releases a sound of relief while the girl sits down next to his daughter on the sofa
Diana: So your father tell me you have a problem with performing on stage is that right?
Cara: *nods*
Diana: So what makes you scared exactly? Why does it bother you soo much when you perform?
Cara: I've never actually performed before, but, I get nervous when there's a lot of people watching me.
Diana: And what makes you bothered by the lights?
Cara: It brings more attention. *covers face, embarrassed*
Diana: Well I do know a few tricks that can make yor fear go away
Cara: *glances at her*
Diana: First the lights depend on the type of the song. What will yours be? Slow or fast?
Cara: *blushes, thinks about Yami* Slow. Yami picked a romantic one. *blushing*
Seto rolls his eyes before saying some profanity under his breath while Diana giggles at his reaction
Diana: Well that's where your light problem disappears
Cara: Hm?
Diana: During ballads, the light becomes dimmed. Usually smoke covers the singers' feet and the crowld is usually quiet

Cara: I still won't feel comfortable with eyes on me.

Diana: Then why don't you focus on Yami and imagine its just the two of you all alone somewhere?

Cara: *blushes darkly*

Seto: Or just imagine the crowld isn't there at all
Diana: YEah, like you are singing along to the lyrics while you watch the starts at night

Cara: *blushing*

Diana: After all I have learned 2 things about men that are important to remember in life

Cara: *looks at her*

Diana: Rule number 1 - Yhet can be a pain in the ass at times
Seto: HEY!

Cara: *giggles*

Diana: And rule number 2 - They are willing to do whatever you desire as long a you know how to reel them into it

Seto:You are giving my girl wrong ideas Diana
Diana: Oh relax your ass would ya. After all if she can talk Yami into picking the right setting, her stage fear will disappear faster than the possibility of Joey Wheeler winning in your next tournament

Cara: *giggles*

Diana: Look the main way to get rid of a fear is to forget it exists

Cara: But I can't.

Diana: Or maybe you don't have to *says as an idea flashes in her mind*

Cara: Huh?

Seto: what do you have on your mind Diana? *asks as he comes over and kneels before the two girls with a curious expression*
Diana: What if we all do a song in parts where we come from different ends of the stage? When you sing in parts the focus is less on one single person

Seto smiles before looking at Cara and waits for her answer

Cara: *looks away* I'm not in charge of the song so don't ask me.

Seto: Yeah but he's gonna ask you. So we want an opinion

Cara: It doesn't matter. I'd rather have the option not to be in the talent show.

Diana: You know we can always make your performance from a distance

Seto: What does that mean?
Diana: We can make a double effect. We can make it as if they are performing on stage but in reality we will have their magic doubles perform while Yami and Cara perform alone together

Seto: Have you done it before?
Diana: On stage a lot but when we tried to do it on the soccer field we got detention

Seto: Why tho? I thought no one could make the difference
Diana: They can't if the doubles stayed on the field but we sent them in class in our place. What we didn't expect was for them to turn the school upside down

Cara: Yikes.

Seto: But you keep doing it for the stage why?
Diana: It makes a better dramatic effect and it helps half of our players with their fear of crowlds

Seto: have u been caught using it like that?
Diana: No because the principal is my god father and he knows

Seto then looks at Cara and waits for her to say if she wants to try or not

Cara: Will the copies disappear afterwards? I don't wanna have to deal with a double.

Diana: These are temporary duplicates. They will exist only as long as the song is performed

Cara: *relaxes*

Seto: In other words, realistic holograms
Diana: Magic is always more reliable than your over-evaluated technology Seto
Seto: Again HEY!

Cara: *giggles*

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