Chapter 1: into the woods

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Stiles and Scott where going into the woods they invited me too tag along they said that there was a body in the woods and I couldn't pass that chance up. I saw stiles blue Jeep pull up I hopped in the back Scott was in the front seat we where all losers and had no friends at the time. But stiles dad was a police officer so we would always try to get some info about what is going on in our little neighbourhood called Beacon hill. "Are we seriously going to do this?" Scott questioned "your the one always bitching nothing happens I this town" stiles replied I laughed at his reply. "Did you tell Y/N that where looking for half of a body?" Scott said questioning stiles. "What the body is cut in half!?"

"I'm guessing you didn't tell her"

"Yes Y/N there is only half of the body" stiles said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Okay just curious what half exactly?" I said in confusion.

"Well um I don't know" stiles replied

"And what if the killer is still out here" Scott said crossing his arms.

"Okay maybe I didn't plan this out too well okay guys just cmon" stiles said as he walked away. Me and Scott just looked at each other and shrugged out shoulders. We soon followed stiles "maybe the sever asthmatic should be holding the flash light?" Scott said while coughing "yeah stiles, I think you should, we can't have Scott dying on us" he just kept walking he suddenly started running as me and Scott tried to catch up. Stiles suddenly fell down at the sight of seeing his dad in the woods trying to hide from him. We lied down next to him than he suddenly got up "fricken hell stiles" I whispered "Scott was having trouble breathing I stopped and tried to help him I gave him his puffer and leaned down to help him up "maybe we should stop stiles can come looking for us"

"No we can't leave him here" Scott said trying to speak as he breathed with every word. I helped him up and looked forward there was no sign of stiles. There was a light shinning in front of us a few feet away, it was shining on stiles. Me and Scott ran up behind a tree and heard stiles dad "Scott? Y/N? Are you out there?" Me and Scott stayed quiet. He left taking stiles with him me and Scott where relieved and started walking around when we heard something coming behind us "look out?" Scott said he tackled me to the ground and went over me to protect me. There was a heard of deers for some reason, I curled into the fetus position With my hands covering my head. Scott just lied on top of me luckily nothing trampled us. Scott helped me up and starting brushing leaves off of me "you okay?" He asked "yeah I'm fine just startled" I replied he gave me a hug and I hugged back. We continued walking when we stumbled across half of a body! "Jesus Christ!" I grabbed Scott's hand and we ran as fast as we could when we heard something behind us I stopped and looked behind me, Scott stopped when I stopped we where both in shock of what we saw behind us, blood red eyes staring back at us. I couldn't move I was frozen I felt Scott grab my hand "cmon Y/N let's go!" I got out of trance and starting running with Scott when I felt something grab my leg. I fell over and Scott turned to help me I was being dragged but Scott had a tight grip on me. I felt it bite my leg "AHHH SHIT HOLY SHIT" I screamed in pain I felt it let my leg go when Scott screamed as well "AHHHHHH" I crawled towards Scott I held his hand as we both scrawled in pain. I held my leg and Scott held his side we both helped each other up and walked towards the road than a car was coming around the corner it swirved and me and Scott heard a wolf howl. We ran back to my house because it was the closet to the forest.

We got to my house and bandages our selves up I lived alone because my parents well they died a year ago so I lived alone. Scott made sure I was okay before leaving I soon fell asleep.

I woke up to my alarm going off and texted Scott

You coming

Yeah I have to keep my grades up

Okay I have to too I'll see you there

I turn off my phone and get up and get ready.

I'm standing outside of school waiting for Scott and stiles. "Hey Y/N how's the scratch or what ever it is" Scott says rubbing his hand on his neck "oh yeah ya know just like normal" I laugh a bit than stiles shows up "omg guys what happened can i see it?" I assume Scott told stiles. I lifted up my pants to show the bandage of were the bite was Scott lifted his shirt I tried not to blush as he did. (Yes at this point I might have a crush on Scott okay) he lifted his shirt down when stiles tried to touch the bandages wound. "So you guys heard a wolf howl" stiles said breaking the silents as we walked into school.

"Yeah after we where bit" I replied

"Okay yeah sure, but there are no wolfs in beacon hill guys" stiles reported with a sarcastic attitude like always

"Well we definitely heard a wolf howl" Scott replied sort of angrily. We went into class and I heard a phone go off, I looked around but no one had there phone out I looked at Scott he also looked confused. We both looked around but everyone was doing there work only me and Scott where looking for the ringing. We looked out the window and saw a girl talking on the phone. She had forgotten a pen I was so confused that only me and Scott could hear this. We listened as she made her way into our class room. "Students we have a new class mate meet Alison argent" the principal said. Me and Scott smiled but also confused I gave her a pen and she smiled but looked confused at the same time. I looked at Scott and we went back to our work.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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