the day things were different

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Everyday me and my dog davlo go out jogging through the woods. However just as we were aproching the woods davlo got scared and ran back inside. I just thought that he was tired or didn't want to go. So I carried on into the woods. There's this old wooden hut in the woods. A guy brought it about 6 years ago. It was abandoned shortly after. Ever since I not past it every day and the door is always locked. Today was different though. My neighbours dogs were just barking tilting there heads towards the woods. They normally look at me wanting me to stroke them. They wernt interested. My stroll past the hut was interrupted by a loud banging coming from the hut. Also the door was unlocked. I have never been brave enough to go near the hut but for some reason I'm intrigued. As I got closer I slowly said ' hello, who's there'. No answer. I cautiously creaked the door open. There was no one in the first room so I looked in the next room. I wouldn't be brave enough to go in again so I might as well. What I found was horrific. " hello " said a voice. It was my neighbour stood at the door. They must have seen me go in. " you ought to be careful in there " I just stood there completely in shock ignoring my neighbour. He walked in and just stared at what I had been looking at. He ran back out and rung the police while I was still in shock. When the police arrived the took me out of the hut and to the station to be questioned. Still, no one knows what happened to that poor guy...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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