please come back

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Context---> After a long complicated past with Dallas. You've decided that enough was enough and that's when you left and made a living on your  own. And just when you thought it was over and everything was normal. Just when you thought you've open a new chapter in your life that's when you got a letter from Dallas.

I messed up. I think I miss you I really wish you'd talk to me or that I'd be able to go back in time and apologize for my mistakes and love you with all me heart. If you'd let me I'd love you with all my heart. Care for you like each day was your last. I'd do anything in my power to make you happy. Sacrifice myself for you. I'd parish if it'd mean you'd smile. I know, I really do know even if you dont believe me I really know you've moved on I know I know I hurt you I know you found someone else I know nothing I say can change anything but I also know that you'll be on my mind and heart for a long time hell you might even become the reason I dont have enough love for anyone else I know that I'll be thinking about you day and night. I dont blame you for what happened I know I did you bad I know it's mostly my fault. But I cant stop caring I cant move on I cant find someone else I dont know how to and even if I did I dont even want to. Cause they are not you and it wont ever be the same . I wanna be with you and only you right now. Even If you're mad at me or you wont love me like I'd be loving you I want you back in my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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