Beginning the Journey

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Most of journey so far was without conversation, aside from the occasional directions from Gandalf. This didn't bother (Y/N) much since she was used to traveling, however, her curiosity was getting the better of her the more she walked alongside this elf.

"Why exactly are we headed to Mordor," she asked him.

He turned to her with a smile. Though he was quieter than the others, his character seemed to be pleasing.

"You see that hobbit up there? Frodo?" (Y\N) nodded her head. "He carries the One Ring. A ring of great power and we are on our way to Mordor to destroy it."

Legolas went on into more detail of the ring and its dangers and (Y\N) listened intently.

"And why have you chosen to accompany Frodo on his quest?"

It was a simple question, but the answer seemed harder to give than expected. Legolas thought on it for a moment before turning back to (Y\N) with his answer.

"Because it's the right thing to do."

His reply made sense. The ring seemed to be a hazard to all creation and if destroying it was the only solution, then that's what needed to be done.

"Might I ask you a question," Legolas asked.

(Y\N) nodded.

"What are you doing out in the middle of the woods by yourself?"

"I'm a traveler." (Y\N) paused a moment before continuing. "I live off the land, making home wherever my head lays for the night."

"Aye, like a gypsy," spoke Gimli who was directly in front of them.

Unaware that he was listening as well, (Y\N) addressed his statement.

"No, not quite. Gypsies travel in groups and are often associated with fortune telling and mystic powers. I'm just a lone traveler."

"Where are you going," asked Merry who walked behind them.

"Nowhere in particular, just enjoying the sights of the world. Only stopping every now and again to replenish my energy."

Merry nodded contently at that answer and (Y\N) thought the subject would move on but after a moment of silence Legolas turned back to her.

"What are you running from then," he asked quietly to where no one could hear him but (Y\N).

How did he know? Is it something elves can sense?

The truth was that (Y\N) was running. Not from any physical form, at this moment anyways, but from the dark memories that tried to press their way into her head. She left the ashes of her home for any other life that was out there. This was the one that seemed best suited for her. Roaming from village to village kept her from forming bonds with people which meant she couldn't be hurt.

She hated thinking about her past, much less talking about it. The screams of her family would scratch away at her sanity if she dwelled on the subject for too long, so she remained silent. Legolas understood there was discomfort in the conversation and didn't push her to answer, and it wasn't as if he were expecting an answer when he asked.


"We'll stop here for the night," Gandalf told the group.

After a long day's walk, (Y\N) was eager to settle down for the night and enjoy a cooked meal. The rabbit Legolas had shot would be fixed nicely into a stew with a bit of herbs and wild onions. Merry and Pippin had been sent to gather firewood while the others had begun to set up camp. Gandalf was discussing the details of their quest with Aragorn and Frodo so (Y\N) took this opportunity to gather the ingredients for their dinner.

"I'll be back," she said placing her pack against a nearby tree.

Gandalf nodded and immediately resumed his conversation.

Just as (Y\N) was soon to leave, Legolas hurried to her side.

"Please, allow me to accompany you," he pleaded.

"Thank you, but I am perfectly capable of handling myself," she smiled.

He laughed and shook his head at the ground. "Yes, I am well aware of that, but I simply wish to give you company."

(Y\N) could not argue with that and honestly, she found it quite pleasant. It had been a long while since she had any kind of company. She had spoken more in the past 24 hours that what she had in the past year. And so the two set out to find herbs and wild onions.

They searched in silence mostly. The only noise being made was the twigs breaking underneath their boots, that is until Legolas spoke up.

"If I had offended you earlier with my question, that was not my intent."

It took (Y\N) by surprise. He was very direct, as most elves were, and she wasn't used to it.

"Oh no, I'm alright." She bent down to pull up an onion. "It's been years since I left my home. I should be more resilient by now-"

"And are you?"

She could tell he was very curious and full of interest, reminding her a bit of her son. The familiarity made her feel comfort but brought along with it heartache.

"I'm better now than what I was before," (Y\N) huffed pulling up more onions.

Legolas looked at the ground, closely analyzing her answer and nodding when he seemed to be content with it.

"Besides," (Y\N) continued, "No amount of sorrow can bring them back."

She said this more to herself than to Legolas, as a word of encouragement, trying her best to believe the words coming out of her mouth.

She turned and looked up at Legolas's face, plopping down her spoils into his own arms full of greenery. There was a different look in his eyes now. He had lost someone he loved as well, and you didn't have to be an elf to sense that.

Lifting her hand, she placed it to the side of his cheek.

"And everything will be alright," she smiled.

It was a flat out lie. Things can always get worse but in this moment, it just seemed liked the best thing to say. Legolas smiled as well even though he knew she didn't believe it herself.

"We'd ought to get back to the group," (Y\N) started back towards camp. "They'll be wondering where their dinner is."

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