Tuesday September 5, 2018

4 2 0

School has started and I'm already failing a class

I currently sitting in that very class


My teacher's name is Mrs.Bruce

She's very loud


But she's nice to me, which is good enough

Right now she's at the front of the room, droning on about molecules

I'd like to say I'm learning something

But i know I'm not

My mind keeps wandering back to the box

The blood

The sickening need to help them

I shouldn't be writing this here, people could see

Specifically my lab partner

Their name is Baileih

I say "Their" because I don't know their pronouns

I don't want to be rude

In case they are looking over my shoulder

But that's just me being paranoid

I shouldn't begin to think about this

Not here

But here I am

The last thing I can remember is the cracked box

The smell of blood and dust

The ache in my legs is back

I think I might be ready to try again

I threw my body to the box again

Another crack

Another thud

I've almost done it

If I can open this box


Just maybe

This shit will change

I could fix this

I just have to try again


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