12. The Victim of Alchemy

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Year - 1913 (few hours later)


I glanced at the picture of me and my young daughter with her favourite bear before allowing Fullmetal to enter the room. I was still so heartbroken that she was gone, possibly from this earth and from my life for good. 

"Enter," I call out and he slowly opens the door allowing him and his younger brother to slowly walk in.

He had just gotten back from a mission and was here for a brief on his findings. "Any new information about the stone Fullmetal?"

He glances at me before fuming about their newest lead being a false stone yet again. Both of us were stumped by how these false stones come to be and we had no leads as to what could have created them.

He continued to debrief with me about what happened in the field. It was a long and boring story and I could barely pay attention to him. He always went on so many wild adventures, but this one was just... not. 

"And I ran into..." the door slammed open causing me to jump slightly and knock the picture of my daughter over for Fullmetal and Alphonse to see. Lieutenant Hawkeye stood at the door with a grave look on her face.

"Colonel, come quick. We have a kid in the infirmary here. We believe she is the victim of some sort of alchemy," she was out of breath from running, which means she ran fast.

At that news, I stood up and began briskly walking to the infirmary. If she came to me so quick, it must be important. Fullmetal and his brother following behind me.

I didn't mind them following, they may be able to calm this kid down if she was in a sort of panic, after all, they are kids themselves.

They weren't as close behind, falling back to give me some room to think and my wife had fallen back to walk with them.

"Lieutenant, who was that little girl in the photo with the colonel?" Alphonse asked in a soft voice. I nearly froze where I stood. I didn't have time to hide the photo after I dropped it. "They seemed so happy."

"That's not for me to say without permission. I knew her too, but we don't want to say anything without consulting one another first," she said in a saddened voice. My little girl was as much hers as she was mine.

"Go ahead and tell them," I said. "Just swear to me that you won't bug me for any answers afterwards."

The boys nodded so fast, I was surprised Al's head didn't flop off. Riza sighs and begins to tell them the story as we made our way across command.

"This was a long time ago that this happened. Roy and I were only in the military for a few years at this point.

"We were told to go to this home in Resembool where suspicious sounds were being heard from a house on the far end of town. We made our way there and found a brutal murder scene instead of suspicious activity.

"These people were tortured and ripped to pieces using alchemy. They left behind a tiny screaming baby covered in the blood of her parents.

"Roy fell in love with the little girl instantly and adopted her. The whole military loved her to bits. Even the Fuhrer King Bradley did. She was sweet as pie, generous and so kind to everyone.

"She was the one that convinced the Fuhrer to allow military members to marry other military members. She was determined to see Roy and I married.

"Years later when she turned 8, he got her a small blue bear. She hugged him and that's where I got the picture from. She loved that bear and took it with her everywhere. She called him a little protector of bad dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 ⏰

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