"Bring her to me or else, do you understand?"

"Yes mom,"

Ja-kyung's POV

"Appa, Dad,!" Ja-kyung yelled as she entered the house.

"Ja-kyungie? Is everything ok?" Hoseok asks clearly the girl was scared.

"I- I don't know, I-I got this n-note and,"

"Shhh, it's ok calm down," Hoseok brings the girl into his chest comforting her as she sobs.

The sobs caught the boys attention, soon all of them quickly came over.

"Baby? What happened?" Dad takes her into his arms.

"This was on my windshield," she sniffles.

"Be careful of the Shapiros," Dad read.

"My best friend, his last name is Shapiro," Ja-kyung adds.

"David, he has a wife and a kid," Dad lowly says.

"They can't possibly be the same family, can they?"

"Who left the note?"

"Ja-kyung can't go back to school,"

All the voices clouding my mind and I began sobbing again.

"Everyone calm down, right now we need to make sure Ja-kyung is ok, baby deep breaths," Dad soothes me.

"It's t-true though, E-Ethan told me he lost his father young, who would tell me to be careful of my bestfriend," I still don't understand

"What ever it is, it's a sign. Ja-kyung I think it's best to stay home for a while till we figure something out," Appa says.

"W-What if he calls or something,"

"Say you got the flu suddenly, you need a couple days off from schools," Uncle Jimin suggests.

"You think he could possibly hurt me, he's my bestfriend," I pout.

"If he or his family wants revenge, they will hurt you," Dad mutters.

"Well what happens when I go back to school,"

"Tae and I will drop you off and pick you up," Uncle Kookie says.

"Just avoid him at all costs, take different hallways to class, hide in the bathroom," Appa explains.

"Ok, but this can't possibly work for long. I'm just worried something will happen to you all,"

"Ja-kyungie, selfless just like your mother. Don't worry about us, we need to worry about protecting you," Appa says.

"But, I don't want you guys to get hurt,"

"You're most important, you will be ok. Your Appa and I will protect you," dad says.

"And her uncles," uncle Hoseok adds.

Yoongi's person POV

Ja-kyung stayed home for 3 days, and those 3 days Ethan has been calling nonstop.

"I swear if he doesn't stop, I'll shut my phone off," Ja-kyung was clearly annoyed with how much Ethan had been calling.

"If you turn it off, it'll be more suspicious," I explain.

"Appa-" Ja-kyung was cut off by the doorbell ringing and knocking at the door.

"Ja-kyung go to your room now, close the curtain too," I rush her up the stairs.

"Namjoon-ah, we got someone to deal with," I angrily walk towards the door and Namjoon follows.

"Can we help you?" Yoongi says shocked when he sees a woman at the door instead of some kid.

"I'm looking for my son, Ethan. Have you seen him? He is good friends with your daughter," Yoongi looked at Namjoon, the both of them having the same thought, 'she's on our radar'.

"I'm sorry, our daughter has had the flu for a couple of days. No one has been around," Namjoon interferes.

"Thank you, I hope she gets better," She looks confused when she hears Namjoon say 'our'.

"That was weird, Jimin-ah go get her," Yoongi says closing and locking the door.

Jimin nods and goes up to tell Ja-kyung that the person outside was gone.

"Hyung, shes gone," Jimin quickly comes down the stair panting.

"What!" both Namjoon and Yoongi says and run upstairs and barge in her room.

Nothing completely empty, no where to be found. Nowhere inside the house, and no where outside of the house. The only clue was the open window in her bedroom.

"It was a trap, David's wife tricked us into focusing on her so that her son could take Ja-kyung," Namjoon says pacing the floor.

"We need to call the cops," Taehyung says, he has tears falling down his cheeks.

"This isn't a job for the cops, its revenge. We have to find her ourselves," Yoongi replies.

"Well we need to figure something out! Every minute she's missing the farther that woman could have taken her," Hoseok yells.

"You think I don't know that! I'm trying to think." Yoongi yells back.

"We need to stop arguing and hurry," Jimin says trying to calm the two down.

"I know where they live! I picked up Ja-kyungie before!" Jungkook remembers.

"Where!" the girls two fathers perk up.

"They live a couple of neighborhoods down, not that far. I doubt she'd take Ja-kyung there, but we could find out where she could possibly be taking her.

A/n- I'm back!!!! Who missed me :) many updates coming I apologize for the long wait.

Daddy Issues/ sequel to dangerous loveWhere stories live. Discover now