Missing You (Epilogue)

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"No,"I whispered. "What was that?"he yelled. "No, Zack, you didn't do anything wrong,"I said. "Then why?"he cried. I wanted to hug him but, considering he kept putting space between us, I figured that was a bad idea. The voice was screaming nonsense at me. "I was raped,"I yelled. Everything fell silent. He stared at me, hard and silent. His stare never wavered.

"W--what?"he stuttered. "This is what I've kept in. For years, it's haunted me. I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd hate me even if Alex said otherwise. Or you'd give me those awful pity glances that I don't need. I went through something awful but it's my fucking life. I didn't want to see you look at me the way you are now. The way everyone would if they knew the truth,"I said. The tears were running freely now.

"What the hell does Alex know? I don't hate you. I wish you would have told me. We could've pushed through this together,"he said. Could've. That was the word that sent me crutching away at record speed. It was past tense. I knew I'd fucked up big time. Why would he want me after that? Why would anyone? I almost fell as I made it outside. Down the stairs and off the porch. "Ryleigh, wait!"he yelled. I should've know I didn't stand a chance. After all, I'm on crutches and Zack is always running and working out.

His arms grabbed me gently from behind and turned me towards him. Suddenly, his lips were crashed against mine. I couldn't breathe. "Don't run. You don't have to. Not anymore. I want to try. I want to fix this,"he said. I just leaned into his chest. He gently picked me up bridal style. I held my crutches and he carried me inside. The guys were in the kitchen so that's where he took me. He sat me down on a barstool.

"I'm making dinner,"he said. Alex turned to look at me. I gestured for him to come over and wrapped my arms tight around his waist. "Thank you,"I whispered. "You're welcome,"he whispered back. We went back to joking around. The guys were fun to be around. For dinner, we had grilled chicken with Mac & Cheese, Carrots, Green Beans, and Mashed Potatoes. After dinner, we went to the living room to watch a movie. I fell asleep curled on Zack's chest.


I stayed with them for a few days. It passed so quickly. Before I knew it, it was two days before New Year's Eve. Zack, Alex, Jack, and Rian had to return to Baltimore before their tour. Zack was willing to take it slow and be patient with me. My stitches had come out the day before. Thank goodness! I didn't want to have to explain it to Pete right away. I was staying with them next. Dad gets to come home New Year's Eve.

It was after 3 when Zack woke me gently. "Come on, throw on something quick. Pete's almost here to take us to the airport,"he whispered and gently kissed my lips. I nodded and sat up. He sat my packed bag on the end of the bed. I decided to just slip a hoodie and beanie on. It was actually Zack's hoodie. I found it the other day when I was cold so I took it. He came back in and grabbed my bag before leading me out to the stairs. We carefully made our way down. It was bright down there which made me squint.

"Is that my hoodie?"he whispered amongst the guys loud chatter and laughter. I nodded. "Dude, why're you whispering?"Jack yelled. Alex pushed a cup of tea into my hands as we all laughed. I didn't prefer coffee. I'd rather have tea when possible. I took a sip. Sweetened just right. Headlights appeared in the driveway. We made our way to the vehicle.

I sat in the middle row next to Zack. Jack sat in the back with Alex. Rian was in the passenger seat with Pete. I kept my arms firmly wrapped around Zack's waist the whole ride. He kept his arm around my shoulders. I listened to his heartbeat. Slow and steady. The airport came into view much too soon for my liking.

We all walked in. They had their passports and tickets in hand. The guys walked ahead to give us a moment. I looked up at him. "Keep in touch?"I said like a question. "Keep in touch, I promise,"he said. I placed my head back to his chest as we hugged.

The Uries (The Urie's Daughter Adopted By Brendon Urie) Book 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin