Chapter Sixteen ❄ [edited]

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Watching Charlie move around the house began to worry Jaime. She didn't know where the thoughts came from but once they started, they wouldn't go away. It was nearing the end of January, which meant Charlie was here on Earth for a month. Did he have a time limit to when he could be here? There was a lot of doubt to that, and Jaime felt it deep in her gut that he wouldn't be here forever. Some of the best things here on Earth never lasted – including Charlie.

Charlie seemed oblivious to Jaime's stare as he moved around the house, his attention switching from one thing to another. She tried to convince herself to stop worrying about it but it was hard. All she could think about was when it was time for Charlie to leave, when she'd have to go back to Minnesota. Eventually she would have to return, with or without Charlie. She just hoped that Charlie would be accompanying her.

While Charlie had been oblivious to Jaime's recent behavior, it didn't go unnoticed by Louis. So early one morning, when Charlie was still fast asleep, he confronted her about it when they were both moving about in the kitchen, making breakfast and coffee.

"Why have you been so hesitant around Charlie lately?" he asked bluntly.

In the middle of stirring her coffee, Jaime paused and turned to him in shock. She didn't think she was that obvious or that she was so tentative towards Charlie. Sighing, she finished stirring her coffee and faced Louis.

"I have this feeling – a gut feeling – that he's not going to last," she whispered, her eyes finding the tiled kitchen floor. "Lou, it's been a month since Christmas. Surely there has to be a time limit to how long he's here."

"But how do you know that he can't stay here forever?" he questioned.

It took Jaime a minute to reply. Biting down on her lip, she thought of the night Charlie confided in her about where he came from. How he laid amongst the stars and watched over humanity.

"Because I just know," she insisted quietly, rubbing her face with her hands. Jaime sighed. "Charlie... he told me lives amongst the stars. That the sky is his home. If that's true that surely he doesn't belong here with us. His home isn't Earth. It's the sky."

For a few moments Louis stayed silent because he understood then. Jaime was right – he didn't belong on Earth with them because Charlie wasn't human. He was a wish, an entire different being from the skies.

Louis didn't know what Jaime was thinking or feeling. He had no idea what was running through her mind at that current moment. Offering comfort was something he didn't know he should do – or even how to do it. He felt so clueless, so the only thing he could think to say was, "Oh."

Jaime turned and took a sip of her coffee. Leaving the kitchen, she took a bowl of cereal to the dining room table.


Later that afternoon, Jaime was laughing with Charlie about something in the guest bedroom when Louis poked his head in, a small smile on his face. The laughter ceased while two pairs of curious eyes turned to him.

"Kimmie called me," he told Jaime, entering the room and leaning against a wall. At the mention of her name, she brightened. "She asked if you were busy this afternoon and wondered if you'd like to go to lunch with her. Plus, her dress is back from the dry-cleaners so you can give it to her."

"Yes!" she cried out, jumping to her feet. "I'll go to lunch with Kimmie."

Louis laughed. "Okay, I'll let her know you're up for it."

He turned, exiting the guest bedroom. As soon as he did, Jaime lunged for her clothes, muttering words about needing to change into a better outfit. In just a few minutes, she had laid out a white tank top, a plaid shirt, and a pair of denim jeans with her cheap, leather jacket.

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