A Swasan journey :11

Start from the beginning

Swara: whattt????
Sanskaar: I'm asking it in a right sense...its for your good...
Swara: but...(she hesitates and gives)
Sanskaargrabs hold of the other end of the dupatta and he ties the latter end on her wrist...
Sanskaar: now you'll not get lost....I don't want to take advantage on strangers...
Swara: huh..(to herself...I feel like taking phereas with him.since the day I met him I have been getting weird thoughts and experiences...but why??? His touch and voice seems very similar..but how???)

Sanskaar feels swara is lagging as the dupatta seems to grip out from him..he turns finding swara lost in thoughts..
Sanskaar: ohhh..Madam..we don't have time..see there..
Swara gets conscious and notes a house in the direction sanskaar pointed..
Swara: It seems like a lavish bungalow...moreover like a star hotel..
Sanskaar: we are gonna go there..
Swara: the security guard may not permit us...how will we go there??
Sanskaar: I said na...we are gonna go there..that's my problem..you need not worry..
They move towards the bungalow and approaches the gate..He flips the door slightly..and creeps down with swara..they reach the backdoor..Swara feels a sharp pain in her feet...
Swara: sans..
Sanskaar: shhhhh!!!!

Swara: sanskaaar..
Sanskaar: shh....quiet swara..
He opens the backdoor and takes swara with him via stairs ...then bolts the door of a room...

Swara: sanskaar...we are creeping...
Sanskaar: Its my house..maheshwari mansion
Swara : your house ???why you brought me to your house??
Sanskaar: there are a lot of mysteries here...uhhh...they don't care for me whether I come or not ...even if I DIE..they never care..they will not mistake me bringing you to my home...but they might mistake you...your attitude...I don't want that to happen...moreover I think today no one is here...but she is here..
Swara: sanskaar...
They hear the sound of door knock and both get alarmed....swara panics....
Sanskaar: swara ..(almost a whisper) he signals her to the bathroom...
Swara gets to the washroom..her feet is bleeding..sanskaar bolts the bathroom door from outside..

Sanskaar: I hope it must be her...
He tries arranging things and looks on for any trace that would indicate swara's presence..
Sanskaar: blood ???is she bleeding...
The door is banged repeatedly and someone calls him by name..sanskaar covers the blood stains by piling his clothes and things over it..He opens the door..
Sanskaar: hi..sakshi..
Sakshi: huh...my bhai remembers me..

Sanskaar: diii...stop it ...
Sakshi: I think you don't wish me entering your room...
Sanskaar: ohhh!!!sorrydiii..I was just..just..hmm..come in Dii..
Sakshi: sans...u don't seem good..anyproblem..did you get screwed up again...???
Sanskaar: uhhhh...nooo
Sakshi: waiseyeh sab kya sans????? Is this the latest version of garbage????(she sits on the bed)..

Sanskaar: dii..I'm cleaning my room..
Sakshi: cleaning ....oh this is a disaster sans...from when did you start doing this....only I used to Do this work ....
Sanskaar: haan....itnimaZaak...not bad dii..waise when are you gonna release my champ???(pointing at her cute baby bump)
Sakshi:haan....sans...still 5 months left..(swara is able to hear their talk but tries not to lend her ears to that talk as its not Decent to do so..)
Sanskaar: and why are you awaketill this point of the time???dont you know it's not good for my mom and my champ..
Sakshi: mom???

Sanskaar: haaan..you remember dii..whenever I used to cry for food you feed me and I never got a mother's care...you showered love and care on me..taught me lessons and fulfilled all my desires that I expected from my mom...(he remembers swara is in and Diverts the topic)..
Sakshi: sans..you still not changed..but I feel some some...change..
Sanskaar: all your analysis can be done later...first you go to sleep...
Sakshi: sans...my legs are whining with pain..nowadays...
Sanskaar :ohh...champ see na ur mamma is very weak..and you should not trouble her..(goes near her bump)..
Swara's feet is bleeding a lot and the white marble bathroom tiling has turned ruby red with her blood...she goes near the door and sees through the doorhole ..
Sakshi: haannn...enough of your talks with your champ..
Sanskaar gets down at his knees and massages his sister's feet and swara watches it...she smiles...
Swara: he may be bad as he cheated me...but he has a good side even...this side I've never seen in a man..he'ssoo caring..(she feels pain and notices sakshi...)"I've seen her ....somewhere...
Sanskaar : OK dii..come lets go..
Sakshi: sans..wait I'll have some facewash ..(she moves towards the restroom)
Sanskaar: (with a jerk)No.....
Sakshi: (shocked) sans...please don't scare me ...your champ is hitting me..he's too scared...Why I cant go?
Sanskaar: Hmmm...because I..uhhhhh..I want to use it now...
Sakshi: ohhh..then come fast..

Sanskaar goes inside the bathroom creepily..he finds swaraunconscious..and blood ..
Sanskaar: ohhhh..shit!!!!I forgot that her feet was injured...I have to treat her feet..
He lifts her up balancing himself against the wall and grabs hold of the shower knob it unwinds open....the water drenches them and sanskaar pats her cheek..she gets conscious...swara watches sanskaar...they share a eyelock...swara breathes heavily..andsanskaar runs his hands around her waist and gets her near him....he moves her hair on her face and sees her forehead ..hermaang..he runs his other hand and holds her face...he gets near her lips....swara closes her eyes..

Precap: Sanskaar lifts swara in his arms and the duo share an eyelock...

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