Justin Bieber's (Journal Songs Meaning)

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Just like in life, relationships have ups and downs. Working on this song I really was trying to capture that feeling. Sometimes things are going so well and you are just happy, other times things drop down and you are upset or heartbroken. That change can happen so fast, but it's a part of life. You just always have to remember that even when things feel like they are at a low point, you will make it back up again. That's what relationships -- and life -- are all about.

There are times in relationships where things aren't going well, where you know something isn't right. But when you're in love, you feel like no matter what, you'll make it work...until the day comes where the other person doesn't feel the same way and walks out. That day - the day where everything you were willing to fight for is gone - is what Bad Day is all about

Recovery is an acknowledgment that in life you can't just fall down and not get over things. You have to step up and recover. At the time, I was going through a very hard break up and when you're going through stuff like that you think that the world is just gonna end. Then you wake up the next day and realize that life has to go on. Recovery is that feeling you get when you start to move on and make things better for yourself, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow is here.

when you fall in love with someone, that someone can make you feel whole. I feel like anyone who has been in love knows what I mean. The song conveys that being in love is one of the greatest feelings on earth. Love is all that matters.  But the void you feel when that love goes away is gut-wrenching. I worked so hard on this song in the studio - trying to put that feeling into music was extremely important to me. I'm happy to share it with you.

HEARTBREAKER It's a song for people going through a heartbreak - like I was when I wrote it. It means so much to me to be able to share what I was, and still am going through, with my fans. I'm very proud of this song and I hope it gives my fans some insight into my heart.

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