Chapter Three - Barbeques

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Techno wakes up at 9:30 am because of a phone call from James.

"Ai'No, what time are you planning to come over? It's already past 9 and yet you're still in your bed?!" James.

"Ohoo! Please give me some rest! My body is aching! *Yawned* give me 30 more minutes." Techno.

"Tch. You can just come and sleep here!" James.

"Ohhhoooo! You'll just force me to work on our paper instead of giving me some rest!" Techno.

"Tsk. Just come here you little idiot! Just take your rest in here so that I won't get bored while finishing our papers!" James.

"Promise me first that you'll give me my rest once I arrived on your house!" Techno.

"Okay, fine! I promise!" James.

"Okay, then. I'll just gonna take a shower." Techno.

"Khrap!" James.

As soon as Techno puts down his phone he immediately got up from his bed and take a quick shower. While he's still showering he heard his younger brother Technic knocks on the the comfort room's door.

"P'! Mom wants you to go downstairs." Technic.

"Khrap! Let me just get done on here." Techno.

"Khrap, P'!" Technic.

Techno wore a black ripped jeans and a white supreme tshirt. He sprayed a little perfume before he goes out of his room to go and see her mom.

"Morning, mom!" Techno greets her mom as he arrived on their dining table and saw her mom reading some newspaper.

"Morning, sweetie!" Her mom kissed his cheeks. And looked at him from head to toe.

"Hmm, you dressed well, huh? Gonna chase a girl?" Techno's Mom.

"Mom! Of course not! I'll go to Ai'James house coz we have a lot of papers to work on." Techno.

"Ohh! Is that so?" Techno's Mom said while looking at him with her intriguing eyes.

"Khrap, Mae!" Techno.

"What time will you be back, then?" Mae.

"Hmm, I don't know yet but I guess I'll be here before 5 pm, Mae." Techno.

"Okay, then, can you buy me some barbeques before you come home?" Mae.

"Okay, Mae." Techno.

"By the way, Mae, Kengkla will be here tonight--" Techno.

"Ah, right! Nic, already told me. You'll help Kengkla on his project right?" Mae.

"Ah, okay, Mae. I'll get going now, then." Techno.

"Okay! Don't forget my barbeques!" Last thing Techno heard from his from before he run outside their house to call for a cab.

Techno was already inside the cab when he suddenly saw Kengkla's car drifting to go inside their village.

"What is he doing at this early morning?" Techno asked himself. " Well, maybe Technic and Kengkla have something to do." Techno.

When Techno arrived in front the house of James he already saw him standing outside.

"What took you so long, dude?" James.

"Mom, asked me to buy something." Techno.

"Buy something what? James.

"Just some barbeque, dude." Techno.

"Oh! Okay, let's go inside, then!" James.

After four straight hours doing their research papers they're already done with it and Techno decided to take his leave.

Techno went to a barbeque house near their village and ordered for her Mom. While waiting for his orders he texted Technic that He'll be going home and asked where Kengkla is.

From: N'Nic

We're in my room, P'.

To: N'Nic

Tell him to just wait for me on my room... Or we'll just do it on yours?

Techno's orders already arrived so he sent his last Text Message for Nic before he go.

TO: N'Nic

Be there in five minutes.

When Techno arrived, he saw his mother on their mini garden's bench sitting and probably waiting for him.

"Do you have it?" Mae.

"Of course, Mom, here!" Techno said as he gave them plastic bag with barbeques to her Mom.

"Wahhh! Thanks, sweetie! Now, go and change your clothes and then we'll eat together with Kengkla. Call them out for me too, sweetie! I'll just put these on a plate." Mae said while walking inside their house. Techno shakes his head while smiling on his mom then also walked towards his room.

Techno change his pants into black and white supreme shorts then he already went to his brother's room.

"Ai'Nic! Mom already served the food downstairs. Let's eat!" Techno.

"Khrap, P'! We'll just finish this off." Technic.

"Is Kengkla there?" Techno.

"Yes, P'!" Technic.

"Okay! Just make that fast! The foods will get cold!" Techno.

Techno just shrugged his shoulders as he continue walking down the stairs.

A/n: Hello! Belated Happy New Year! I'm sorry for the late update coz I got a fever for a freaking whole week and my mom just won't let me touch any of my gadgets that's why I can't give you an update last week😢 I still have a fever right now but only a little bit so my mom gave me back my tab so I can now give this update to you!😍😂💕
Anyway thank you for reading and please do comment down your feedbacks for my story so far😅😂

Hope you enjoy reading!😘

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