Chapter 8

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With a happy smile and a wrapped gift in my hands, I snuck up behind the blonde boy at his locker.

"Good morning, love!" I said, giving a peace sign and cute smile. He turned and grinned his usual, happy boyfriend smile.

"Goof morning, my love. The nicest girl ever!" He put his forehead on mine with a smile. "The most wonderful person to walk the planet!" His expression softened and his eyes fastened to mine like glue. "The most beautiful girl ever... The love of my life," My heart melted and cheeks flushed. 

"Aw... You're pretty awesome, yourself," I said, being the ass that I was. He smiled and kissed my forehead, looking me from head to toe. 

"What's that in your hands?" He asked, backing away slightly. 

"Oh!" I held the box with black floral wrapping paper. "This is Yugyeom's present. His birthday was recently, so I wanted to give him a gift," Kunpimook pursed his lips and nodded.

"I get it..." His look turned mischievous and evil. "Are you getting a crush~?" He asked in a sing-song tone. I felt all the blood drain from my face and the air drop fifty degrees.

"What! No! Of course not!" Why am I freaking out? I don't like him like that. It's the truth! But why am I freaking out so much? It's okay... Be normal, for Christ's sake.

"Oh, really? Why are you getting him a gift, then?" I sighed and put my shaking hands in my pockets, the present between my arm and waist.

"Because it's his birthday, you twat. I've already told you..." 

"Tch, I bet you don't even remember my birthday..."

"May second," I said quickly. He looked at impressed.

"Woah, good job. Yours is January 26th, yes?" I nodded. 

"Yeah..." He shut his locker. "I should get going to class, now..." He nodded and ruffled my hair.

"Of course, honey dear. Get going! Shoo!" Honey  Dear? I like Sweet Tea better... He started waving me away with little waves of his fingers. With a chuckle, I waved at him and started walking to class. 

Inside my English class, I sat waiting anxiously for Yugyeom to arrive. I was getting impatient.

Me: Hey, are you almost here? Class is going to start soon~~~

Me: I brought your birthday present~~~

Brownie: Sorry, but Yugyeom has lost his phone privileges. He should arrive at school momentarily.

Well, that was weird... His dad must've taken his phone because of me... I feel so bad, now... I have to apologize... I stared at the wooden door frame, just wanting to see him. I wanted to see the look on his face when he opened his present. Suddenly, a tall boy with a white button up walked into class. Oddly quick, he walked to his seat and sat down. A smile appearing on my face, I picked up the present and walked over to his desk.

"Hi, Brownie!" I said, cheerfully. He looked up at me with sorrow in his eyes. "I got you your birth- what on Earth happened to your face?" Suddenly noticing the huge cut on his face, my hand was attracted to his cheek like a magnet.

"My little sister hit me with a sharp toy while we were playing..." He said, avoiding my worried gaze. I ran my finger over the wound gently.

"I'm so sorry... Does it hurt?"

"I'm so sorry... Does it hurt?" She asked, her soft thumb on my left cheek. So much better... Now that you're here with me, and not Kunpimook... 

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