I slowly got to the part where I no longer have this distance feeling towards her. I think... I think I like her...

I mean... in the beginning I moved in with Yangmi because I needed to mentor her and it was a wish from her father, and also just to annoy her and what not. But now... the more I want to protect her, I want to be around her.

Like when she had a business trip for the first time to Japan. I wasn't able to go with her, so the whole 5 days she was gone. I felt lonely at home, I would call out her name but instantly remembered that she isn't home.

It's like... I grew a custom of having her here.

"President Zhu?"

"Yes, Ms. Kang?"

"Here are the documents from the J. Groupings, oh, and you also have a dinner tonight with Mr. and Mrs. Chung."

"Got it, thank you Ms.Kang."

That's gonna weird slightly weird. Dinner with her parents without having her here. And like, we're gonna talk about her and what not. Jeez. I just hope they don't ask me anything weird about her.


"Zhengting-ah. How are you?"

"I'm doing great Mr. Chung, you look great yourself as well, I'm guessing retirement was the best choice."

Mr. and Mrs. Chung both laughed at my little statement, before getting right into the topic of Yangmi.

"So, how is she doing? You know, now as a CEO."

I took a sip of my wine and smiled. "She's doing great. Of course, in the beginning, there are still bumps here and there. But in the end, it worked out."

"I'm sure it only worked out because you were there to guild her through it."


"Well, how was Spain, and where else did you go?"

"We went to Japan first, then Spain, and ended if off in Greece. Ah, we loved it. You and Yangmi should go when you two have a break."

I choked a tiny bit on my wine.

"I beg your pardon. The two of us going together?"

"Yes. Why not? You two live in the same place anyways. Nothing wrong with travelling together. Is there?" Mr. Chung said casually.

Mrs. Chung then placed her hand over her husbands. "I actually think there is. I don't think we should put them together if they don't like each other in that way."

I coughed awkwardly before opening my mouth to say, "She likes um... my cousin."

"Excuse me? Our Yangmi?"

"Yes. She met cousin when she accidentally fell on the sidewalk."

Mr. and Mrs. Chung's eyes looked a bit worried.

"Is he a person?"

"Um. Y-Yeah. He is. Just him and I didn't have the greatest childhood with each other. Our parents aren't fond of one another either."

They both nodded.

"Well, we'll Yangmi later and ask her about it. Why don't we finish our meal and talk about other things? Mh?"

The 3 of us began to dig in and eat our steaks and continue to drink our wine.


Your POV


"Mommy, stop it. Jianyu is a good person."

"I know sweetheart, but I would like to meet this Jianyu person. At least have us talk to his family."

"No! That is the one thing I don't want you to do!! We're not even dating yet. So please. Let me figure this out. Okay?"

"Fine... I'll call you later baby."

"Wait... mommy. Did Zhengting tell you all this?"

"No... we just had dinner."

"Okay... bye Mama."


I lowered the phone from my ear and gripped it tightly in my lap. Sitting at in my living room couch, waiting for Zhengting to get home.

The moment he walked through the door, I got straight to the point with him.

"Zhu Zhengting, did you have dinner with my parents and talked about Jianyu and me?"

"Yeah... Wow. I didn't think your parents with call you so fast." He sighs.

I shook my head slightly, before getting back on topic. "Why? Why did you talk to them about him? My mom is all over me now since she wants to investigate everything about him now."

"Good! Let them!" He shouts back. I scoffed loudly.

"You are unbelievable."

"Let them find out how terrible my cousin and uncle are. Because I know whatever I say, you'll never believe me with your dumb stubborn head of yours." With that remark, he actually dared to walk past me and upstairs to his room.

I bit my lip angry before crashing back down on the couch. When I opened my laptop, there was an email. The user had no name, just a few numbers and random letters.


-There's going to be something special given to you soon. Something you can't give up. I won't tell what it is. And you won't know either. Take care, you'll need it.

We will meet soon. I can't wait.-

This is crazy. I've called my security team and they just keep telling they can't trace it, and that it's just hate mail and threats.

I try to shrug off the feeling. But I don't believe that this person is hating me... but are obsessed with me...






Hello Jennings!!

Happy New Years!!!

I'm sooo very sorry that I haven't updated in a few days. I have been caught up in some things.

Thank you for being patient and reading!!



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