33. The Professor

Start from the beginning

I waiid at him before I bid my goodbye. Sometimes, it really pays to be kind. Not that you should expect something in return when you help someone. The experience from last night made me realized to be kind to everyone you meet.

I lined Que to meet me at the canteen after the first period was over. I rushed to the uni earlier, that was why I hadn't had my breakfast that my stomach started to grumble.

I just finished my breakfast when I spotted Que. I had to swallow a couple of times and clutched on to my chest when I realized she wasn't alone.

She was walking towards me with Nick, Yatch and Pete in tow. I didn't know what I was feeling. If Pete stayed, then, that would be the first time we could actually hang out again after everything that had happened.

"Kaooooo! Oh my goshhh! I have something to tell you!"

Que made a run towards me, forgetting her boyfriend. I gave Nick who's shaking his head an awkward smile. Yatch and I on the other hand exchanged a nod.

Pete was too busy scowling at his phone and didn't even bother to look at me. The jerk!

The five of us were seated around the table. Que next to me, Nick beside her. Yatch was opposite me while Pete sat the farthest, still at his phone.

I almost rolled my eyes at him. The hell he's playing at?

Really into ignoring me then, huh!?!

I knew I shouldn't be affected with anything about him but I just can't help it. I promised to forget him but it was easier said than done.

"So, Kao, have you seen our new substitute teacher?"

I eyed my bestfriend who looked too lively for the morning.

"It's nice to see you too, Que. I'm fine thank you, how about you?"

She squinted at my sarcasm while Nick chuckled as Yatch excused himself to take on a call.

Pete on the other hand---err---let's just stop minding the asshole who's still on his phone.

"Whatever! You're here and alive. It's enough for me. Anyway, as I was saying. Our college got us a new substitute teacher who's smokinnnn hot!"

Que even dragged on the word smokin and even fanned herself in the process.

"He sure suits his name. He definitely looks beautiful and rich with natural resources."

Que had her brows moved up and down at me as I continued to gave her a stink eye.

"Hun, in case you forgot, your boyfriend is sitting right next to you. I suggest you stop admiring other men when he's around."

Nick chastised his girlfriend jokingly.

"Hunney, I'm just stating a fact. Besides, I can't help it if I've got such eye for beauties, that's why I'm dating you in the first place."

Que batted her eyes and smiled at her boyfriend. Nick on the other hand smirked and bit his lower lip.

I groaned.

"Guys, please. I just had my breakfast, I don't want to throw up."

I heard Nick laughed and Que spat at me. That was when Yatch came back from his call and sat right across me.

"Okay, what did I miss? You seemed to be having too much fun except grinch here."

He regarded Pete who just scowled at him yet again. We all snickered. Well me, partly.

Shouldn't people who's newly in love act gooey? Why is Pete looking like he's more annoyed than he'll ever be?

"Anyway, we're talking about our new hot college professor. He seems to really be like Kao's type. You like older men, don't you Kao?"

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