Blame it on the Alcohol.

Start from the beginning

"No. So what?" Ross snapped. I shot him a look to be more polite. Harry looked at the waitress, "We will have a double table, please." He demanded, then looking at me and Ross. "If it's fine for you two? of course." His look sent me chills down my spine, I don't know why but I couldn't help but give in besides that Sophie would literally kill me if I didn't give in. As Ross opened his mouth to say no, I stomp his foot under the table and nodded at Harry.

"Sure you can." I smiled at them. "Omg! Yaaay." She cheered as she ran over to me, giving me a tight hug. Harry only smiled at me and sat down beside me. In front of me I had Ross and Harry right beside me. Sophie sat next to Ross, facing Harry. The waitress come out with two menus since Ross and I had already gotten ours. handing it to them, telling us about the recommendations, we told them what we wanted. "Wow Sel, this is honestly such goals! We've talked about this moment since we were little girls!" Sophie giggled. "Yeah, good memories." I smiled back. "So what have you two been up to?" I asked and took a sip of the red wine Harry had ordered to everyone, apparently it was supposed to be the restaurant's favourite. "Just taking a stroll around the city." Harry replied, smiling at me. "What? Actually-" Sophie began, but Harry interrupted her with a glare.

I frowned. Weird. The food arrived, everybody complimented it and started to eat I couldn't help but see Harry's and Sophie's outfits. To be honest they weren't matching very well. Sophie was wearing a baby blue, glittery dress that, to put it nicely, showed her boobs way too much. She matched it with high black stilettos and blonde straighten hair, and of course along with a full face of makeup. She always did it a bit more dramatic than me; I preferred to keep it natural.

Harry was dressed in a black suit and a red tie. His hair was curly, as usual, but pulled back with a bit more wax than he would usually use. "Sel?" Harry's voice suddenly startled me. "Huh?" I asked, confused, as I looked up. Sophie was busy bragging to Ross about something I couldn't really care less about at the moment.

I met Harry's eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Oh- Yeah, I just, got lost in my thoughts I guess."

"I figured." he frowned. "What's on your mind?"

"It's weird, our outfits match better than you and Sophie's!" I lightly giggled.

Harry raised a brow. "How come you'd say that?" he said, a grin growing on his lips. "Because," I replied, moving closer to whisper, "My dress is red, your tie is red. Ross tie is light blue, Sophie's dress is light blue." I giggled, feeling a bit affected by the red wine. I've noticed it makes me giggle more than I usually do. Harry frowned at me then looked around the table to see that I was right. He turned to me, looking into my eyes and down at my lips, "So are your lips, red. It suits you very well." He smiled. I smiled back, appreciating him noticing it, not even Ross did. "Thank you, Haz." I giggled.

At the end of the night, we all talked. The food was delicious, truly. Ross was still a bit tensed that Harry was disturbing our date, but honestly, having Sophie and Harry here only made it funnier. The last thing I could remember was Ross driving me home, holding his hand on my knee and kissing me before I stepped into my house and fell asleep right on my bed.

A couple of days later, a typical Thursday. My last class for the day had just ended. I was wearing my usual black converse, skinny black jeans and since it was a bit windy today, I paired it with a thick pink polo sweater. I had my hair put back with a black headband along with my small diamond earrings that I always wore. I went to see Ross after school. I knocked on the door, only to see someone else. "Harry? What are you doing here?" I frowned. He chuckled, "Uh, last time I checked I lived here." I rolled my eyes of his lame and unoriginal comeback. "Where's Ross?" "At football practice I would assume." I face palmed,

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