Chapter 2- Emails and Unicorns

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  Amelia had been on the laptop for hours, staring at unicorns.

  And everyone knew, if you got in the way of Amelia and her unicorns you were dead. Even her mom learned to respect this fact, and refrained from calling her down to dinner.

   Clearly, the idiot sending an email to her, did not know this.

   Amelia growled at the new message pop-up and clicked it, wanting to get it over with.

 Hey there princess!

    I really appreciate the letter. It made me feel so loved and needed. Just writing to say I miss you too! I especially miss that bossy, overbearing personality of yours. Oh, and that short temper too. 

I wonder which of your friends put you up to this. Maybe that girl who always doodles in class? Some of her drawings looked suspiciously like us making out in the hallway...

Anyway, can't wait for that confession! May I suggest French as a suitible language?


Amelia nearly threw the laptop out the window when she saw the word princess. (Thank goodness she didn't; she would have never been able to survive without her precious unicorns!) That jerk knew how to push all the right buttons, didn't he?

Well, she wasn't known as the reigning Tech Master for nothing.

She furiously began to type a reply, with a little added touch of hers.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2012 ⏰

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