Chapter 25 - The Night's Allure

Start from the beginning

"Is there anything I could do to make you feel better?" Jaime offered, as if he was in a dead end. He's never been the greatest when it comes to comforting people, and he did not wish to repeat the same mistake he did that started their entire long month argument.

"He's only ten years old." Aurelia remarked about Bran, "All he ever dreamt about was to become a knight, and being in the Kingsguard was to be his greatest achievement. My parents told him to never stop; to train every single day until he bested Robb or Ser Rodrick. He told me how thrilled he was to come down to Kings Landing, and to train with all the greatest knights there ever was. Bran always had large ambitions, even for a boy who still can't shoot an arrow perfectly." She grinned at the thought of that day. Aurelia showed her impressive skills in front of her her brothers, and the feeling was exhilarating.

"I'm sure he would have been a skilled knight." Jaime mentioned, moving his upper body forwards as to show he was interested.

"Now we'll never know will we? He cannot be a knight without his legs." Aurelia said, still avoiding Jaime's gaze.

"Aurelia, don't beat yourself up. You cannot think about it every single day. It will do you no good, and especially not for your brother." Jaime advised,

"What would you have me do, Jaime? You have been leaving me alone each morning, and coming back late at night. Perhaps it's easy for you because you have lived far away from Casterly Rock your entire life, but this is the first time I've ever been away from home. I'm a stranger in this wretched place, and the responsibility of becoming an elder sister all on my own is difficult. Do you know what it's like to try and take care of two completely opposite siblings who won't even talk to one another? Sansa is in this little bubble, and Arya despises being a lady. All I want to do is come home to Winterfell, and see my brothers. I want my mother. I never thought it would be this hard without her." Aurelia blurted out all of her emotions in one sitting to Jaime, who listened to every word she said. It was only a matter of time until she bursted, given all of the emotions she contained for the past month. She finally met Jaime's gaze, and there was a small hint of worry in his eyes.

"I didn't...I didn't know." Jaime managed to say, feeling bad for Aurelia. Sometimes he forgets that Aurelia left half of his family to be here right now, and she's still adjusting to her new life, despite hating it.

"No one could. It's not your fault, I never said anything." Aurelia told him. She still found someway to blame herself even though she was not to blame. It was the dark side in her that she cannot help but let out, especially during times like this.

"But I should know. I'm your...husband, Aurelia. I should know how you feel." Jaime said, feeling quite conflicted with himself. He has told himself many times that he cannot fall for Aurelia, and yet here he is sitting in front of her, wanting to help her in any way he can. However Aurelia stayed silent, as she was unsure of what to respond to Jaime. He can be kind to her, but there are other days where he can be rude and abrasive. Aurelia hopes that she can figure out which is his true side.

"What I can say is that, we all leave home in the end. We never know the exact time, but we all do. You may not enjoy it just as much here, but it's better than other cities out there. The feeling will come and go, but trust me, it will get better with time." Jaime advised, and Aurelia listened to every word he said.

"You must think I'm a child, crying like this." Aurelia said. She was aware that Jaime would rather be caught dead than to cry in front of someone else, and she would rather cry on her own as well.

"Not at all." Jaime disagreed, in fact it made Aurelia seem more human. "We have our moments."

Aurelia took a deep breathe, and went back to look at the window for a moment. She had enough of the crying and was not going to spend the entire night sulking by the window while Jaime looks on. Reaching out her hand to close it, Aurelia felt a prick in her eye causing her to sit back down as she let out a tiny shriek. Her hands went to the eye, and Jaime stood up out of reflex. Feeling alarmed, Jaime went to sit by her side to check what was wrong.

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