Chapter 10

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Shakeya wasn't looking like her vibrant self. I know Carlos said she was having some health complications with this pregnancy, but it was something she wasn't saying.

I went an sat next to her on the couch.

"Bitch don't be all up on me. You know I'm not with that gay shit no more." She said as we bust out in laughter.

"Girl you will always appreciate a bad bitch." I said to her.

"Bitch you know me so well." She said.

"Shakeya seriously are you ok. You don't look like yourself. Tell me what is wrong?"

She had a few tears drop that she quickly wiped away.

"This pregnancy is tough Des. My body is rejecting the baby. I'm sick all the time. I have to be on bed rest until I make it to my third trimester. That is in a few months." She said wiping away tears.

I didn't know she was going through all of this.

"Key I'm sorry. I haven't even been here to help you through it. I been so caught up in my shit."

"You have been a bad sister, but you can make it up to me by just being here from now on." She said.

The toughest and strongest woman I know and she is so emotional right now.

"Honestly bitch do you really want to get divorce?" Shakeya asked.

"Honestly it all started out as a way to scare him and to make him fight for me as hard as I fight for him. Now I just really want out. I am happier than I have ever been and I feel like I will never be that happy again with Aubrey."

"Do you still love him?" She asked.

"Of course I still love him. I love him with my whole entire heart, but just because I love him don't mean we are meant to be together. We just aren't right for each other."

"I overheard some bitches talking in the store and they were saying that they saw him with Carla." She said.

That doesn't surprise me at all.

" Well you know he has a thing for a big butt and a smile." I said.

That made Shakeya crack up.

"Girl he do. Carla got a whole lot of ass too. Just way to much for one person." Shakeya said laughing.

We laughed and talked for hours. Just like we use too in the good ole days.

I had to admit I definitely missed doing this.

"Des do you want to be with August?" She asked out of nowhere.

"Honestly August is so sweet and I care about him, but I don't think I am ready to go from marriage to a relationship. I need to date and be free for awhile."

"Did you tell him that? All I am gonna say is don't lead him on. He has feelings to Des. Don't treat him fucked up because of Aubrey." She said.

That gave me a lot to think about.

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