Chapter 8

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"I am not just gonna let you go Des. I love you to much. I feel like we can work this out." I told her.

She started laughing. She was laughing and crying at the same time so I was confused.

"If you really loved me you would have shown me the respect I deserved. You had a child Aubrey with another woman, that is not love." She said.

"You had a bitch try to kill me over you! I lost my daughter because of you! Tell me where is that love Aubrey!" She said getting loud.

We just stared at each other cause I didn't think she would take it to that level.

"I know more pain with you than I know love." She said.

That threw me for a fucking loop.

"Pain and hurt. Is that really all you can feel or remember with me?" I asked her honestly.

She turned away from me for a second.

"Aubrey in the beginning it was beautiful. You did everything to get me. Once you got me you changed. Once I fell in love with you you hurt me. So to answer your question yes. All I have felt with you is hurt and pain." She said.

Who was this woman standing in front of me?

This was not my Desire. This was not the woman I met and fell in love with.


I wasn't trying to hurt him. I just needed him to hear my truth.

This relationship has been hard for me and it hurt me.

"No man has every come up to you saying they have been with me. Every time I turn around there is some woman claiming they was with you or seeing you or just coming at me just because." I said doing my best to fight back the tears.

I was tired of crying over Aubrey. I was just tired of the whole situation.

"The best thing you have giving to me were my children. Our daughter's and our son they are the reflection of the best part of us." I told.

I saw the hurt and the pain in his eyes.

"Desire I will never love anyone the way I love you. You are the best part of my life. I am not ready to let you go and I will fight for us until I am done. Right now I'm not done so I will not sign those papers." He said as he walked out.

What people don't get is that I knew this wasn't just gonna be a ok you can go. I knew Aubrey would fight this divorce the whole way and part of me wanted him to fight.

Everything in me at one point want to just make him realize I was all he needed. I just wanted to scare him.

Now I just really want him to set me free.

My phone rang.


"Bitch get your ass over here right the fuck now." Shakeya said.

What is it now?

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