Chapter 05: So Close Yet So Far

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As soon as Ina got home, she dropped everything and threw herself onto the bed, eager for the mattress' coolness to meet her skin, yet it reminded her of the times she and Luhan had shared her bed. She got up immediately and went to the bathroom to take a cold shower instead, needing to sober up. This was perhaps the only place in which she could get a little taste of sobriety and peace since he had not quite left his trace in her bathroom yet.

Right now, she had two options: the man who cooked breakfast for her today and the man who cooked lunch for her today. She did not want to make a choice even though she had to, she must, and she knew it.

Could she really not decide, or had she already made up her mind but she just did not want to come to terms with her heart's choice?

Out of all the dilemmas she had ever faced in her life, this one had to be among the worst. And as if it could get any worse, she felt so guilty for being the one to get between the good relationship that Luhan and Sehun had shared. Now that the former would absolutely not let go of her and the latter had been pursuing her for the past two months, she knew that she was going to be an obstacle to them. They would fight over her but she hated conflict and it sucked that she had to be the reason for it. How did it end up this way? Why did it have to be them?

She could not do this anymore. She needed a change in environment. She needed to get away. Without delay, she stepped out of the shower, and booked her flight and hotel room.


The flight was no more than 3 hours, but as Ina skipped dinner and slept through it, it felt as if many more hours had passed. It was probably because she had spent the whole journey dreaming of the moments she had shared with Sehun. Dreams were the manifestations of her subconscious thoughts, so did that mean that her subconscious was trying to tell her something about what she had with Sehun?

She rubbed her temples because her head seriously hurt. It seemed that no matter awake or asleep, Sehun had still invaded her mind and she could not get him out of her head. Or her heart, for that matter.

She thought about the first time they met: when he was the one who was late to class on the first day of school, got humiliated by an unsympathetic professor, and awkwardly took the empty seat next to her. She chuckled at his cute pout that was on his face because the prof was mocking him in front of the whole class, but he shot her a glance in hurt as he had mistakenly thought that she was laughing at him too. She had paid him an apology but the conversation did not end there, and in fact led to many more.

Within the same week, the two of them shared several classes, but outside the classroom their interactions continued, and extended to them sharing her umbrella with him on a shitty rainy day, then to him taking off his jacket and draping it across her shoulders at the freshers' ball because it was colder in the ballroom than in a fucking freezer, and then to late night texts when they just happened to be in the mood to find a friend in one another. Gradually the two of them became confidants, and of course bonded over some of the most important things in life: bubble tea and crêpes. Such a strong contrast between her frequent encounters with Sehun and being completely cut off from Luhan. There was no contact at all between the witch and the werewolf whereas she met up with Sehun practically every day. When she thought of it this way, it did not feel so wrong that they had gotten so much closer. But it still remained the problem that he and Luhan were such good friends before she came into their lives.

Apart from that, she was beating herself up for moving on from Luhan to fall for Sehun within such a short period of time. She never thought anybody could tempt her...until she got to know Sehun beyond his good looks.

The night was quiet but her thoughts were loud. Luckily she had brought her very own customized sleeping potion with her. Without it she would not be able to sleep soundly, blissfully unaware of the chaos 300 miles away.

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