Terra Incognita pt. 2

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"Leave this place. Or suffer certain death!" Vex said as the boy got scared.

"Hey, you're pretty funny! Can I interest you in a newspaper subscription." The hu-man asked.

"What's a newspaper?" Aja asked.

"I know right? It's a dying medium. When you guys move in? It's like it sprouted out of nowhere." The being said.

"What are you doing" Krel asked him.

"Perhaps Varvatos should destroy him." Vex said quietly.

"Whoa, retro cool. Really cool crib. Do people say "crib" anymore? There's a pool too?" As the human looked in the house with amazement.

Just then something starts playing and I dance to it.

"Fascinating. Oh!" Krel said in curiosity.

"What's that sound? Where is it coming from?" As I asked in curiosity

"You've never heard of vintage music?" The person said.

"I like vintage." Krel responded back as he joins in my weird dance.

But then a bark emerged and I see.... Luug?!

"Who are you, cute full-ball?" The human asked Luug.

"Is that Luug?" Vex said in surprise.

" what happened to him? He's covered in terrestrial fungus." Krel said.

"It is so soft! Lively!" Aja said.

"Mother must have changed him." Vex concluded.

"So where are your parents?" The human asks

"Who demands to know?" Vex viciously asks.

"Me I guess" the human responds.

"Our parents are in stasis" I said.


"There was an accident. They are regenerating." Aja explains to the human.

"Oh so their like at a spa?" The human continues to ask, to be honest he is getting on my nerves.

"Yes" Aja says.

"And we don't like interlopers. Who sent this insidious nuisance?" Vex asked.

"Wow you're strong for a "geezer" the human said.

"Geezer" I like that word" Aja said as she repeated the word, meanwhile I was trying to comprehend what was going on, and to be fair looking at the technology in the house.

"Mother what have you done?!" Vex asked the mothership.

" i've altered the ships structure to match indigenous primitive architecture." Mother said.

" no I mean why is Varvatos wrinkled and saggy?" Vex asked mother.

" I think the local time is "geezer" Aja replied to Vex.

"Varvatos is like a feeble larvox. His bones brittle. Not good for crushing." Vex said.

"I love this fleshy covering." Aja said, as I was exploring my new surroundings and jumping on this squishy chair-like thing.

"It is known as "skin" Unlike on Akiridion 5 where life is energy based, the inhabitants of this planet are biological." Mother said.

"Ugh. Flisghaag." I said in disgust.

"I believe the earth idiom is gross" mother said.

" surely there are less gross forms for us to take!" Vex yelled.

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