A/N (sorry!)

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I'm sorry this isn't a chapter but I will have to say this.......

It's getting really hard for me to find time to write because of exams and my finals being stressful for me and I hope 🤞 you can give me some time to do this because I have to study allot this month and give in assignments, and I know "oh this is probably bs that the author is giving" well it's not ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ.I have to get over many tests this month so I hope you guys aren't disappointed in me when I upload the next chapter. I'm probably going to start on 1/5/18 at 12:00 or I might start today idk and hopefully finish on today so it gives me time to study. Thank you for reading to this and meanwhile I'm freaking out about my schedule for tomorrow, ask me questions in the comments section and I'll answer them........ someday

jk I'll put those questions in a chappy and answer them until then, bye!

Wait! There's a poem I need to share

Okay now this is bye until next update

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Okay now this is bye until next update.

Okay now this is bye until next update

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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3BELOW: Our Story (Krel x littlesister! Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora