Every Piece of Skin

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Here I am again

Standing in the light

Everyone's watching and it's my big night

But every stare is hollow

Every glare so intense

So here I am 

Stop looking

Your eyes only bear hostility

I don't need to hear your outrage

Your nothing new of late

I've never cared about you baiting words

I see the hook

But stay while you still staring 

I'll rip every piece of flesh from my body if it means you'll look within

People like me are fighting and each time we only seem to give ourselves away.

To so-called friends,

Others giving into the pain,

Or people with no shame,

They never repay

So I'll stand here

The mask I once called my face was shredded until I threw it away

I'm sure I'll make another someday

Read further

Look past

My message won't last forever.

Even now every part of me trembles

Begging for the release only death may provide unto me

Yet I refuse to leave by my own means

Try living a little seriously 

You will find splendor where there is sunlight

And tears when you must say goodnight

That is the way of life

But your pain wouldn't be in vain if you saw past life's vain attempts

Because if you thought I was this radiant on my own 

You would be oh so wrong

And these words may fall upon the blind.  

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