"How are you feeling honey?" Namjoon asked as looked up from his phone, probably answering an email.

"My stomach hurts" I pouted.

"You don't have to go to school today if you don't want to, also after you finish eating you can have your pain killers for your stomach" Jin smiled at me knowing that I really wouldn't want to go to school when I am on my first period. I nod slightly before Jimin starts talking.

"I will get all your homework and everything Y/Nie don't worry" Jimin smiled from beside me and I quickly thank him, a wide smile creeping onto my face. I smile as I shove some of my Dad's delicious home made breakfast into my mouth, ignoring how unladylike it was, after all I live in a house with seven guys.

I wince slightly by the pains I was feeling but shrugged it off. When I had sat up from my seat Jimin squealed yup, squealed. I looked down and pouted seeing that I had stained the chair. I felt my eyes water slightly and ran upstairs into my room, closing the door shut before running into the bathroom. I turned around to see my butt, and it was red.

Why did I wear a white skirt..? I mentally facepalmed myself. I sighed before hearing the door to my bathroom open, turning I see Yoongi popping his head inside.

"You ok?" He asked as he let himself inside. I felt my eyes water again and broke down in tears. Yoongi, without hesitation, wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on my head. "It happens Y/N it's ok" Yoongi swayed us slightly, trying to calm me down.

The door opened not long after revealing Taehyung. He smiled as he joined in the hug, swaying along with us. I smiled as I hugged the two of them before coming to my senses.

"I need to change Taehyungie and Oppa" I chuckled whilst they nodded before leaving. I quickly change my skirt into pants and change my pad. I quickly run downstairs as I heard everyone was leaving.

"Wait!" I yell as I rush down the stairs. I quickly hug everyone saying goodbye to them all.

"Ok Y/N I'll be back soon, your Dad has to leave to work so you'll be home alone for about 20 minutes is that ok?" Jin asked as he looked at me.

"Ok Daddy, I'll just be in my room until you return! There's this book that I am really interested in on this website so I'll just read that!" I smiled.

"Well, if you are ok with being alone can I just head out for a quick few errands? There's plenty of food in the fridge if I am running late" Jin asked as he unlocked the car for the others.

"Mhm! My friends actually sick so I could just call her if I get lonely!" I smiled, reassuringly.

"Ok bye honey" Jin quickly placed a kiss on my forehead before closing the door. I ran to the living room and waved out from the window. I smiled as I saw Jungkook and Taehyung wave back at me. I watched as the car drove down the street, fading out of few.

I ran back upstairs into my room, looking at myself in the mirror before calling this guy I really like.

Italics- Chanyeol bold- You

"Hey Chanyeol Oppa! It's me Y/N"

"I told you not to call me unless you are having another party, remember Y/N?" He rudely responded, not even bothering to say a 'hello'.

"Hence why I am calling, I am home alone right now so... want to come over Oppa?"

"Sure, ima invite some of my friends as well k? Cya in 10" and with that, he hung up.

I jumped around before rethinking my decision. I changed my clothes into a cute red crop top, black beanie, black jeans and white and red converses. I smiled as I looked into the mirror. As I was fixing my hair I heard a ding! I had gotten a text. I picked up my phone and saw it was from Dad.

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